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[Woops, my bad I never said I'd ever get it right.
Pffft yes that is from something.
Alrightttt, just to make this snappy but all at the same time explain a big something:
BECAUSE exams are over next week, and I don't have to deal with that after Thursday, and I fly off on Christmas Eve, I'm deciding to do a special something.
I can do more oneshots (because I don't think half of you guys know I did make oneshots once upon a time.
I can write a short little Christmas story (Homestuck related or not)
Or I can do nothing. Around next Monday, (12-15) or something like that, the votes are final.
If I don't get a comment, then I don't do anything, it doesn't make a difference to me.

On a side note: Not Is At All What It Seems might be drawing to a close soon. If people want me to continue it, then sure. However, I just don't feel like that many people want me to write this book anymore.

And at that: If wattpad gets its shit together and works for me when I ask it to, then sure I will start writing again.

Oh lord I nearly wrote Raine's POV, how about no.]

Dirk's POV

I looked up and saw three concerned faces that I had known for too long. One had moved from Australia in the second grade, and we instantly became best friends. He told me he was bi in seventh grade after I found him crying in the bathroom over his crush. The next was the blonde headed chick that I had known my entire life, mainly because our guardians were friends, so I guess we became friends too. We hadn't exactly been friends up until I saved her cat from getting ran over. The next was the country girl that we all knew could bake a cake as if her life depended on it. Never did we have problems getting her presents, just get her something that involved baking. These guys were my friends who never let me down.

"Dirk? Dirk what's wrong? What happened?" I could hear Jane's southern but panicked voice. I hadn't realized how far down I had managed to slump in my chair. I guess I did look...defeated. I blinked back into reality, looking up at the three faces looming over me.

I parted my lips to talk to them, but what had happened? Even I didn't know. I just shrugged and let a sigh escape my lips. "I don't even know, Rae was on the phone with me one moment," I paused to sit up and look at each of my three worried friends. I didn't have to wonder about how they found me, that wasn't even remotely important right now. "And then she wasn't. She got into an accident and right now, I'm assuming she is in surgery..." I sighed and looked away.

I could tell that they were sharing looks, of what to say and who should comfort me. Before I could let them comfort me, I stood up and walked towards the front desk again. As soon as I opened my lips to speak to the lady again, who seemed irritated with me, just judging from the way she pressed her lips together and crossed her arms, a doctor walked in through the double doors next to where I was.

He looked around before asking, "Is anyone here for Raelyn Johnson?" He looked back down at his clipboard, trying to keep his face as clear as possible. I raised my hand and walked over to him. "What happened to her?" I asked, trying to keep my cool. He gave a small nod in my direction before looking around the room once more before looking back at me. "You see, she got into a car accident and her left cerebral, meaning the left part of her brain, was nearly completely crushed, along with her throat which was pressed against the front end of the truck. She has experienced a large amount of blood loss, but will live without a blood transfusion. And-" I cut him off, shaking my head, "Where is she?" "Sir, there is something you should know," "Where is she?" I started to grow irritated. How much worse did he think it could get? "Room 209 but-" He responded, clearly not done talking.

I bolted off down the hall, turning and twisting till I opened the door to see Rae laying in her bed, as to what seemed like asleep, but...she wouldn't be asleep right after surgery. I lingered in the doorway, eyes wide. "Sir..." The doctor appeared right behind me, clutching his clipboard as he struggled to regain his breath. "You see, she is an a coma."

I looked around, holding Rae's hand tightly. It had only been two weeks, two longs week of nothingness. Not one response, not a hand movement, never did she even seem to wake up. Two long weeks of torture. Jake, Roxy, and Jane were each doing their best to smile, pretend like she was going to wake up, and everything would be fine, but it was obvious that the smiles they plastered were fake, that they were each experiencing their own pain, and that the facade was just a show for me.

What if she woke up and didn't recognize me? How do you make someone like you all over again? I sighed and squeezed her hand tightly, kissing her forehead as I let go and got up. "It's time for you to leave sir," The nurse repeated, stepping inside the room this time.

This was the same routine for the last few weeks, and each time, the same thing happened. I didn't try to keep up my grades, and in all honesty, I wasn't even going to school as much as I should be. I was seldom at home, and rarely ever saw Jake, Jane, or Roxy anymore.

But they understand...right? I nodded and headed out the door as my right pocket started to vibrate. I pulled out my phone to see that Jake was calling me. "Yeah?" I asked, holding my phone up to my ear as I headed back to the car. "I was calling to check up on you mate, it's been a while," He chuckled. I gave a small laugh back, "Yeah I guess it has, I just haven't exactly been the social creature like Roxy is." He gave a small pause before speaking again. "Yeah I guess that is true, hey Dirk, do you want to come over tonight?" He sounded worried. They always sounded worried. They acted as if I was to pity.

I unlocked my car and got in, "Yeah sure, sounds great, I'll be right over. You need help with a test or some shit or is there another reason?" I paused to put my phone up to my other ear as I started the car and pulled it into reverse. "No, there is no reason, it would just be lovely if you could come to my birthday party." He gave a nervous laugh. 

I went quiet and silently groaned. In all of the Rae mix, I had totally forgotten about Jake's birthday party. Not that he didn't matter, and not that I didn't have a present, I just completely forgot. "Yeah I'll be right there. Bye." I hung up, tossing my phone onto the seat across from me.

What a great friend I was...

Not Is, At All, What It Seems ( A Homestuck Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora