Tell The Truth Or Tell The Lies, Live Your Life Or Live Your Lies

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[Okay. Surprisingly I have nothing to say here. My head hurts so This update wont be finished the day I started it.]

After lunch, we resumed normal schedule and went to our remaining classes. Two classes down, four to go. My friends talked as if everything was normal, but I felt like an outsider a little.  Sure these people were my internet friends, and to manage to go to the same school is crazy.  But...they were used to being them, and I was used to being alone sorta. So I wasn't going to get in the middle of their friendship, that is just rude. 

"Miss Johnson? Miss Johnson!" I focused on the teacher waving a hand in front of my face. Had I spaced out again? Woops. To my left, Cory and Kyle were snickering, and to my right Roxy was frowning.

How had I not noticed them beforehand is beyond me. I suppose we were all nobodies. Unless we wanted to be seen, but we could normally blend in.  Normally. This year is different,  I'm not sure what happened.

'Sorry' I mouthed barely, my cheeks bright red. She huffed and walked up to the front of the room behind her desk. "Next time it's a detention," She sighed, turning back to her book. Yeah okay, whatever, I will just be delaying hell with a different type of hell.

I glanced again at Roxy, who was looking at me, clearly with pity. I tore my gaze away from her, no, I didn't need nor want her pity.  I concentrated on my school work, finishing my English work so I could leave class. It never ceased to amaze me how quickly class could pass. 

After I finished, I put my books back in my bag, zipping it up, ready to go.  The bell gave its shrill scream, and I bolted up from the class, to go to gym class. God and to think I used to like school...I put my books up and heard someone yelling for me. "Hey Rae!!! Rae!!!" I ducked my head down and closed my locker, rushing off to the girl's locker room, thanks I wasn't looking to get beat up again. 

I slipped in to locker room, my eyes downcast still, girls tended to leave me alone, only Rina wouldn't...but I didn't share any classes with her. Thankfully. I made it to a secluded area and got dressed, trying to strip as quickly as possible. I don't think anyone wanted to see the bruises anymore than I did. 

We all got out and went to the gym, staying away from the guys, and their taunts for some girls to strip. Of course there was always that  ONE girl who teased the guys by showing off everything she could in a uniform...I never will get that. 


After playing volleyball on and off for a little less than an hour, I went back to change. This was the one class where people wanted me around. I mean I wasn't tall or anything, but I used to be extremely good in most sports, except basketball... I went by a mirror and looked at my reflection. I was so...lifeless. My green eyes seemed as if I was only hollow on the inside, and my brown hair seemed to fall too flat against my head. It was sickening to look at.

I got dressed and went to go back to my last class, science, ew. It was almost over. 


After school I tore out of the classroom again, throwing my books in my locker before running out the school. I think I should have a medal for how fast I can manage to do that day after day. I started walking to my house, before a hand grasped my arm. My arm flew back and smacked them in the face in my moment of panic. "Ow..." I heard, before turning to see who it was. 


Roxy, Jane, and Jake were running after, but too far away to catch me. I held my hand up to my mouth, shocked before I waved my hands out in front of me in apology. Dirk chuckled and shook his head, "Hey, it's fine, I should have said something instead of grabbing you." I thought about it and nodded, looking back down. 

Not Is, At All, What It Seems ( A Homestuck Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora