Part 16(part 1): Vamps with Benefits

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Part 16

“So are we really are going to do this?” I asked with a smile on my face. It was sick and cruel of me to want to hurt this poor little human girl so much, but I just couldn’t resist my want to destroy humans. I mean they brought it upon themselves. They destroyed every one I ever loved. And a majority of the shape shifters in the world. So maybe this is wrong what I am about to do. But, to me, what they did will torture me for the rest of my life in utter loneliness.

“Yes, but it needs to be done fast, Kenzie, I can only keep Danny entertained for so long,” replied Jon, his eyes still running up and down the length of my body.

“With pleasure,” I replied kissing him on the cheek and walking into the other room. I was so ready for this. To finally start the true revenge on human kind. Maybe it was one person at a time. But it felt good. I walked into Jon’s room and pulled out the picture of Danny that Jon had given to me. Looking into the mirror, my long, red hair lost length and changed to a brunette color. It lost volume and went flat. Next, was my face it slowly morphed till my face matched the picture of Danny exactly. I sighed and was surprised how deep my voice had gotten. I looked from me to the picture and back again. I could be his twin. Well, except I was still wearing girls clothes. In the picture Danny was wearing black, skinny jeans and white shirt with a black jacket on. Time to go raid Jon’s closet. I found a pair of torn up, old, black skinnies and a red shirt. It looked like something he would wear, or so I was guessing. With one last look in the mirror, I ran out the room and up the two flights of stairs into the room where Kayla was staying. I walked in and she was laying on the bed asleep. Running up to her, I whispered, “Kayla, Kayla wake up!”

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at me. “Danny!” she screamed and hugged me, “I knew you would come for me. I knew you weren’t with Cici. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it,” she mumbled into my chest.

“Kayla, I am with Cici. I love her. I thought you would be happy for me.” I spoke calmly looking her right in the eye.

“But you told me that you love me. You told me that the day you told me you were a vampire. You told me! And you said you would never lie to me!” She screamed tears running down her face.

“I am happy again my life doesn’t feel empty anymore. I thought you would be happy for me! Give me a break Kayla, a vampire like me could never truly love a stupid human like you. I mean who would? All humans do is run away and kill innocent people. So for once in my life let me be happy with someone else. I am no longer yours and I won’t ever be again. So go. Just leave,” I grabbed her wrist, “Do whatever you have to get over me, because I’m not coming back. I spoke and walked away.

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