Part 15: Vamps with Benefits

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Part 15

The thing, which turned out to be a tall, gray-haired man name Dometry (dome-ee-tree), lead me through a maze of hallways and stairs before we got to our destination of the kitchen. The kitchen was beautiful. In a way it resembled and old cabin like kitchen. It was very homey, but it was huge. There was giant windows that allowed the sunshine to wash over the entire room. “Wow…” I spoke, awestruck.

“What? Not what you would expect in a palace in hell?” Startled, I spun around only to hit a hard chest. Why in the freaking world does this keep happening to me? I don’t know. I’m going to have a bruise on my face by the time this whole thing is over. Oh, stop talking to yourself and look up at who you ran into now. I stepped back and looked who I had ran into this time. “Jon..?” I whispered in disbelief, “It was you behind all of this.”

“Yeah, baby girl, it was.” he said putting an arm around me

“Get you hands off of me!” I yelled at him, pushing him away. He laughed.

“Now why would I do that.” He spoke softly pulling me close to his chest.

I starred up at him not able to say or do anything. I was lost in his eyes. I was lost in this moment that could never exist. I loved Danny. And he was the only one. Thinking of him brought tears to my eyes. He doesn’t care about me. He would of followed me and saved me. He would of not let Jon kidnap me. “He doesn’t care about you,” Jon spoke in my ear.

“What.?” I whispered pushing him away from me. Jon smirked.

“You didn’t know? He rekindled his relationship last night with our lovely Miss Cici.”

“Don’t lie to me!” I screamed backing away from him, “You’re lying! You’re lying!” The tear streamed down my face. You’re lying I keep muttering under my breath. You believe him. Yeah, I do and now it all makes sense! The voice in my head sighed. Don’t believe him, until you talk to Danny about it. Okay. I looked up at him, he had a smirk on his face. “I don’t believe you. I-I want to talk to Danny.” I stuttered. He frowned.

“Well, that would mean he would need to come here, so you two could-” He paused, “talk this over. If you would like you can call him on my cell phone and ask him to come over. “He spoke slowly. I nodded. He handed me the phone and I dialed Danny’s number. It rang three times before a sleepy voice picked up. “What do you want, Jon?” he whispered, angrily. I took a breath and spoke, “Danny? Its me.”

“Kayla.? Oh my.. Kayla where are you? Why are you calling me on Jon’s cell.”

“Questions later. We need to talk right now. Its urgent.”

“You’re at his palace, right? I’ll be there in a few.” He replied and hung up. I gave the phone back to Jon and walked away. “I’ll tell Dometry to show you to your room till Danny gets here.” He yelled after me. I was lead up to the white room and laid down on the bed. I sighed. This was going to be a long night.

Vamps with BenefitsWhere stories live. Discover now