Part 14: Vamps with Benefits

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“The deal was you lure her in, not almost kill her!” some one in the distance yelled.

“She’s here isn’t she?” another voice responded.

“But almost dead.” was the last thing I could hear before the voices faded.

Where was I? What happened? Why does my entire body hurt? I opened my eyes only to be blinded by bright lights. I blinked to get my eyes adjusted. I was in a white room. It had white walls, white carpet, white dresser and a white bed, with white sheets and comforter. Light sun flooded the room through two large doors that lead out to a balcony. Besides for the room being very uncolored, it was beautiful. I pushed the comforter and sheets off of me and tried to stand up. My legs felt unsteady beneath me and the room started to swirl. What was happening to me? I tried to take a step, but the floor seemed to move from under me and I tripped. I expected to fall and hit the floor but I never did. I felt strong, warm arms catch me in midair. I looked up to see bright green eyes looking back down at me. They seemed familiar, but from where? The young man picked me up and laid me down in the bed again. He turned to walk away. I sat up, ready to follow him. “Don’t,” he spoke, his voice smooth as ice.

“Who are you? Where am I?” I asked, my voice cracking. He didn’t reply. He didn’t even turn around, just walked away. I sighed and threw my self back against the bed in frustration. What had happened last night? Why wouldn’t anyone talk to me? I examined the room and myself for any explanation. When I got to my wrists everything made sense. The cuts, the razor, the blood, the scars, the abandonment, all the feelings of the past couple of days came flooding in. Well, that’s why I cant stand,. I guess I lost too much blood and the guy with the green eyes; he was the one who gave me the razor, he was the one who caught me. “Jory!” I screamed in excitement. I couldn’t believe he had saved me from my possible death. “How can I help you?” he whispered, his breath was hot against my ear.

“H-how did you get here so fast..?” I stuttered.

“I’m Demon,” he replied backing away from me.

“Right, magical creatures with magical powers,” I muttered. “So why did you save me.?”

“Cause I would of rather not seen you get devoured by an animal.”

Oh, I mouthed. Well that was nice of him. I laid back down in the bed and closed my eyes. At least there was some one here I could trust. Or at least I hoped I could.


“You just let her run off!” Cici screamed. “You know for a fact she can’t last 10 minutes without getting into trouble!” I looked down at the ground, ashamed at what I had done. I had possibly just killed my best friend, and for what? I don’t even understand why I would of just let her run off like that. “Damn it Cici! What’s wrong with me!” I shrieked, falling to me knees.

“Your confused about something. Your feelings are jumbled. Talk to me, tell me what’s going through your head.” She soothed.

I took a deep breath and replied, “I love her. But seeing you again, it changed everything.” Cici nodded. “Remember after Mekayla past away…how close we were. I miss that. I miss when you use to call me late at night and we would talk for hours and hours. I miss spending days and nights with you. I miss going out to dinner. We were so close Cici. And I guess what I’m asking is…what happened to us?” The room was silent. Cici’s head was down and she wouldn’t look me in the eye. I didn’t know what to say, I didn’t know what to do, so I stayed quite with my head down.

Days seemed to past with the awkward silence between us. Neither of us said a word. The memories of us danced in my head. One in particular our last night together.

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