Part 3: Vamps with Benefits

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Danny's POV

I couldn't believe what i just did and what had just happened!! I was laying on top of Kayla, still trying to catch my breathe. I had been thinking how much i would like her to kiss me and of course she did. That was another one of my powers. It can be a lot of fun! But I'm not as perverted as some guys. I should of told Kayla...I felt bad that I didn't. But what would she think of me then? She would think i was the worst! I would lose her. Man, thinking about that made me sad. I loved her so much...I wish she felt the same but oh well. I sighed.

"Danny what's wrong?" she questioned staring straight into my eyes.

I smiled, "nothing, i just really..." i trailed off looking into her eyes as well, I don't care what she thought her eyes were beautiful like silver pools.

"what?" she smiled, but looked really confused, "Danny you can tell me you know i won't judge you. No matter what." she continued.

I wanted to tell her that i really loved her but...I couldn't.

"uhhh...i...we really need to get some sleep. We have a test in history tomor -today." I said looking at the clock seeing it was almost 4.

She looked over as well and gasped. "OMG DANNY! what are my parents gonna say!" she yelled, standing straight up and turning toward the door.

I grabbed her hand. She looked at me like she had just saw a ghost! I knew she was terrified of her foster parents. They didn't treat as well as they should. Actually they treated her horribly! I hated them!! God i wanted to rip her foster dads head off!!! (which i could)

"Hun, its gonna be okay...stay here...its better...for you...please...don't go home" i pleaded looking start into her scared eyes.

"But...what about...him..." she trailed off her choice was shaky like she was gonna cry again.

"i'll deal wit him" i said standing up and hugging her.

She relaxed, but started crying anyways.

Kayla's POV

I was terrified but happy all at the same time. Danny wanted me to stay and so did i. Going home would be hell! I was hugging Danny and started crying. He held me and we stood there like that. A smile spread over my face as my tears dried up. I'd get to sleep with Danny! I felt like a total perv but thats pretty awesome! He started laughing. I looked up at him with a questioning look, then i remembered my cheeks went beet red and my eyes went wide. Oh shit he can read my mind!! He laughed harder and fell back on the bed taking me wit him. I was now lying on top of him. he-he fun! JK!

"Damn your light!!" He said worried.

" Yea...not eating much at home...." I said quietly.

He let out a frustrated sigh. " ugh! i want to kill them!" He yelled.

"ow.. you yelled in my ear. can we talk about this in the morning...please." i said so quietly he had to get closer than he already was.

"yea...i look exhausted." i said.

"Thank you" I mumbled getting off of him and back onto his bed.

He laid down right beside me and smiled. I smiled back at him. Wow this is so weird. I know totally unnormal. ha-ha oh yea! But you love it! i do not! uh huh! un uh! yep. well ya I do! Told ya. Im talking to myself...again? i have issues. Oh well.

"Goodnight Danny..." I said sleepily

"Night Kayla...." He replied, "I love you"

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