Part 16(part 2): Vamps with Benefits

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    I sat there broken hearted. My body ached with loneliness, my heart felt like it had shattered into a million tiny different pieces. Hot tears rolled down my face. Boulders coming from my eyes. I laid down on the bed and cried till I fell into a restless sleep. I didn’t dream, but Danny’s words ran through my head over and over again.

     I woke up breathless and sweating. My face was still moist with tears. I got up and stumbled over to the bathroom. I sighed looking into the mirror. I looked like a wreck! My face was covered in eyeliner and make up. I went to get a wash cloth to clean up. “Kayla, are you OK? What happened?,” a voice asked from behind me. Looking behind me, I saw a black haired man.

    “Who are you?” I asked, but my voice cracked so it didn’t sound as angry as I wanted it to.

    “Justin, we meet in the woods,” He said shyly.

    “Oh,” whispered feeling self-conscious that the vampire, who bite my neck was in the bathroom with me. But I put on my strong face, gave him a fake smile and tried to ask, “How did you find me?” but with how emotional I was I couldn’t get past the, “How,” before I broke out into tears again. Justin walked up to me and embraced me in his arms, letting me cry onto his shoulder.


    Seeing her like this made me want to kill the person who had made her like this. But, I repressed my anger and continuously whispered the nonsense my mother would says to me whenever I had cried into her ear until she stopped. “I’m sorry…” she murmur into my shirt.

    “Its OK,” I replied rubbing her back, “your going to be  OK. I’m going to help you. I‘m going to get you out of here.” She looked up at me with tears still in her eyes, but there was now a sparkle of hope there too.

    I picked her up bridal style and walked over to the double doors, kicking them open with my foot. Standing on the terrace, I looked around the land trying to find the safest place to put her. Our old castle. It was about twenty miles away from here. It shouldn’t be that long for us to get there. “I going to jump.” I told her. She only nodded, eyes closed and tears still spilling from her eyes. I jumped off the terrace and landed with ease onto the ground below. “This won’t take long at all,” I whispered starting to run. I picked up my speed to inhuman ability.

    The trees around me blurred to a green mess. The world was so indistinct to even my superhuman eyes couldn‘t make out the different shapes. I looked down at Kayla her eyes were still shut, but the tears were gone. Her chest raised and fell slowly. Good, she is a sleep, I thought to myself. We reached the palace gates in about five minutes. Not that bad timing. I pushed open the gates and walked to the front doors. The gardens and flowers had overly grown, since no one had been here in sixteen years. But it still brought back the memories of walking around with MeKayla, her talking about the different flowers and her favorite ones, the lilies. She loved them so much. I wonder if Kayla does? It would make sense. I walked over to the front door and pushed it open. Everything was left exactly how it was when I left it. The memories of the “good times” flooded my mind and brought tears to my eyes. I blinked them away. Now wasn’t the time to loose it. I walked up the flight of stairs to MeKayla’s old bedroom. It was exactly the same to the point were the bed was made exactly how she liked it. I put Kayla down in the bed and pulled up a chair next to her.

    I caressed her face with my hand. She seemed to unintentionally snuggle her face into the palm of my hand. I smiled looking down at her. She was almost exactly like MeKayla. Just as beautiful, maybe more. Her human features gave her a light pink color to her pale skin, making her look childish, but gorgeous. Looking at her reminded me of my wife, the love of my life. The tears in my eyes, spilled down my face. I missed her so much. She was everything to me. My world. My everything. I desperately wanted her back. But, I knew that was not possible. She squirm in her sleep and opened her eyes. “Hello my darling angel.” I whispered. She looked up at me confused.

    “Why did you call me that? You don’t even know me.”

    “True. But, I do know a part of you. Your real name. Its MeKayla, right?” She was stunned at the mention of the name. “H-how do you know that..?” She stuttered.


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