Part 13 1/2: Vamps with Benefits

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Part 13

Kayla's POV


How is he here? Why is here? I'm so confused! Conscious a little help here. I really thought you were smarter than that, he's here to take you back home. Home? Now that I think about it, what home!? My foster parents just kicked me out of the house I have no where to go! Why the hell would I want to go back! Kayla you're in shock. You're being very irrational about this situation you know for a fact you don't belong here.

I sighed.

Danny, whose arms were still wrapped securely around me, must of heard because he loosed his grip to look me in to face.

"What's wrong?" He asked, "I thought you would be thrilled to see me!"

I pushed him away from me.

"You think I'm not!! I'm ecstatic to see you!! Why would you think I wasn't!" I yelled, "Danny I love you, I'm glad you're here its just, I don't understand how you got here."

He glanced over at Cici with a pleading look on his face.

"I opened him a portal," she stated and turned away toward the kitchen.

"Oh" was all I managed to say. My knees started to buckle. A sense of exhaustion swept over me like a wave hitting a mountain side. I had received so much information today, I don't know how much more of it I can take. The room was spinning. I could hear my name being called but it was so faint. My eye lids fluttered closed and I collapsed on the ground. Everything went dark, I was numb and unconscious.

(Hey I wonder what John's up to...hmmm...lets find out. Read on!)

John's POV

"You lost her!!!!" I screamed.

"Well more like she just walked away. But don't look at me like that you said to get her here and that's what I did! Thank you very much!" Kenzie snapped.

"Well you could at least made stay here."

"I could of, but I didn't. Boohoo for you."


I let out a frustrated sigh and stalked off trying to follow her stale scent. I had just freaking got her and I'm already chasing the friggin' mortal. I mean here I am the son of one of the most powerful people in this world and what am I doing tracking a HUMAN!! And its not even for food its just because my daddy wants my freaking cousin dead. Man, sometimes I just hate Danny! Well actually almost all the time and definitely increasing.

I followed her scent for awhile. Hmm she must have gotten lost because she's gotten deep into the forest. Stupid humans always getting themselves into trouble I thought to myself . I smelled the air to pick up her scent again. I tracked her scent all the way till I hit a fork in the road. Now her scent mixed with another. But whose was it? Hmm it seemed familiar, but not at all at the same time. Weird...huh? I started to follow her scent again but the other scent was over powering hers'. I sighed again and flopped down against a near by tree. I guess I'll have to continue this search in the morning. My eyes were just about to shut when I heard some one call my name. My eyes snapped open and I was on my feet in a second.

"Who's there!?" I demanded.

I was answered by silence.

"I said, Who's there?! Answer me damnit!" I yelled.

I heard I rustling of the bushes and then a boy probably about my age stepped out. He had dirty blonde hair that fell over his emerald green eyes. His body was tanned and fit.

I sneered, "What do you want demon!?"

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