Part 13 2/2: Vamps with Benefits

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Part 13 2/2

I was standing in a meadow full of wild flowers, a cool breeze gently blowing my hair . Everything seemed so peaceful, so calm and collect. I sighed as I wondered around. This was the most relaxed I had felt in a really long time, there was no pain, actually I couldn't feel anything except the breeze. I closed my eyes, but as soon as I did the wind picked up and was whirling around me. It had grown hot. I open my eyes to see a totally different scene of the meadow. There was fire and destruction every were. Flowers were a blaze. It was hot and stuffy. I felt suffocated for the fire was taking most of the oxygen from around me. I stood frozen to the spot I was standing, I could not move, not to even save my life. Even though running wouldn't do much, the fire had surrounded me getting closer and closer to were I stood. I tried to scream, but no sound came out of my mouth. I knew I only had a few moments left to live. I could feel the tears in my eyes. The flame was at my feet. I closed my eyes once more awaiting my fate.

I screamed as I felt something, or should I say someone? I don't know, but I screamed till I felt a hand cover my mouth. Whatever it was, it sat down next to me, but I keep my eyes tightly shut, too scared to open them.

"Kayla, its ok. Its only me." I heard a voice say to me.

Wait a second I recognize that voice. It belonged to Danny. I opened my eyes, only to see his wide green eye staring back down at me. He brushed a piece of hair away from my face before asking, "How are you feeling?"

There was so much care and sincerity in his voice, it made me realize how much I had honestly missed him. And I did miss him. I was happy he was back with me. But then why had I reacted the way I did when I first saw him? Why had I not gone running to him?

Maybe its because you didn't think it was really him. Maybe its because you convinced yourself so much that he didn't care enough to find you that you presumed that it was for say a look a like of him? My conscious responded.

It was a rhetorical question...I replied flatly.

Didn't sound like it. It replied in a singsong voice.

I sighed frustrated with the voice in my head.

"Are you OK?" Danny asked worriedly, most likely mistaking my sigh for something else.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" I replied half to myself.

Ahem...ahem don't lie to yourself. The voice replied.

I'm not lying! And Get the fuck out of my head!!! I screamed back at it.


"Oh I don't know maybe the fact that you passed out, have been out for a bout a day, and when you finally wake up, you wake up screaming your head off. I have no idea why you wouldn't be OK." He replied, sarcasms dripping from his words.

"I've been out for that long..?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah babe. Now tell me what's wrong. And don't try lying because I am a vampire. I will know that you are lying." He said.

"Well lets see what's wrong with me? Hmmm...lets see...I figured out my one and only friend loves me, and that he was a vampire, I broke my ribs, I got kick out of my own home, kidnapped by a vampire and a shape shifter, taken to hell," I screamed trying to hold the tears in, "And the worst thing was I thought I had lost my best friend forever!"

The tears were running freely from my eyes as a remember the last couple of days happenings. The scenes of were playing over and over in my head. I couldn't take this anymore! I pushed the blankets that were over me off. Danny was just sitting there stunned. And then I ran. I ran out of the house and toward the woods back in the direction I think I had come. I ran for a good 2 miles before collapsing in the middle of the path completely exhausted. I couldn't think of anything to be besides cry and that's what I did. I didn't move for what felt like forever as thoughts whirled around in my head.

I knew for a fact that Danny could of caught me in seconds, so why wasn't he here? Why wasn't he here to stop from doing something stupid like he always is! I needed him so badly! He promised he'd always be there for me!! I needed the relieve that I had found only one thing. I looked around wildly for anything sharp that I could use. Because I know I needed something. And quick. I was crawling around on the ground so busy looking around for anything that I didn't hear the person approach me from behind.

"Do you need this?" he asked.

I jumped at the sound of his voice. It sounded...I don't know how it sounded. Intriguing? Curious? Like a little boy, but not. OK that made no sense at all. I turned around slowly facing him. He had dirty blonde hair that feel over his green eyes. He had the same eyes as Danny. His skin was tan and he had a muscular body. He wasn't wearing a shirt so I could see his flat, hard chest and six pack abs. My eyes continued to trail down his body until I reach his hand extended toward me with a razor in his palm.

"I...I..." I started.

He looked at me tilting his head to the side in curiosity. Taking a couple steps toward me he placed the razor in my hand and closed my hand around it, his hand around mine. It was warm. I stared down at my hand. I finally had exactly what I needed. I looked back up at him.

"Thank you..." I whispered.

"Its cool. I know how you feel. I keep one or two on me all the time," He said with a half

Smile, half smirk on his face.

I was speechless who would of known there would be someone like me in hell. But I'm pretty sure I wasn't thinking straight because I was still really dizzy from running. I had been out for a day so I haven't exactly eaten since...crap...a really long time ago.

"I haven't seen you around. You new?" He asked.

"I guess, you can say that."

"Hmmm...what do you mean?"

"Well...wait, I don't even know you. Why would I tell you?"

"Then, I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Jory. And you are?"


"Well, Miss Kayla, I'm sorry for not being able to stay but I was heading some where before I bumped into you. And I do believe you have some business to attended to," he said glancing down at the hand the razor was in. "I must bid you farewell now." He finished, bring my the hand I held the razor, in up to his mouth and kissing it his eyes never leaving mine.

I blushed. "Good bye to you to. And thank you once again."

"Don't mention it." He said winking and walked off.

I was alone again. The silence took over. It was getting darker and I still couldn't understand why Danny wasn't here. I guess he really didn't best friend, I'm loosing him and I don't even understand why.

I had decided after awhile of thinking that standing here wasn't helping so I walked deeper into the forest until I found I tree that provided just enough shadow to hide me from the path way. I crawled over to the tree and sat there. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. The razor was teasing the skin on my palm by gently tearing at it but not enough to bleed nor to cut. I took in a deep breathe a quietly exhaled. I put the razor to my wrist and pressed down. I gently slide the blade across the skin. I closed my eyes. Just to do the same movement again and again. I didn't want to die and I wasn't cutting deep enough to, but I knew it was bleeding. I really didn't care. I didn't care about the fact that there could be blood crazed creatures around me or lust filled vampires or any of that. I just didn't care and it was all because he didn't care about me. I knew he didn't. Because if he did he would be here. He would be here to stop me. He wouldn't let me do what I just did.

You said you would be 'there' for me. I have new scars. Where are you now? NOT.HERE.

I closed my eyes again. This time dropping the bloody razor blade on to the ground. I thought I heard footsteps approach me, but honestly I was so tired it didn't even matter. I needed sleep, food, water, to stop bleeding. I needed to survive.

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