Part 9: Vamps with Benefits

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Kayla's POV

I was sitting in the car, holding my side. What the fuck just happened!? I don't know. You're helpful. Well I'm sorry if I'm just as confused as you are. You should! Don't yell at me. Fine. Just relax. Ok, ok. Deep Breathes. Ok, ok.

I was looking out the window and all the buildings passing by. What's gonna happen to me? What do they want? I don't get any of this.

"Where are we going," I asked the girl driving the car.

"You'll see when we get there, won't you?" She said plainly.

I sighed and went back to looking out the window. The car picked up speed. I looked over at the dashboard we were going 120 mph!! Holy shit!! And then all of a sudden darkness replaced the town. I looked around wildly.

"What's happening!?!?!?" I screamed.

The girl said nothing.

I screamed again. And then I saw a small light in the distance.

"What!! No I don't wanna die. I just got my Danny!!!" I screamed thru tear-filled eyes

The girl laughed at my panic. The light was getting bigger and bigger. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for everything to end. Everything went silent, but I keep my eyes shut tight. I thought I heard the sound of a river near by, but I figured it was just my imagination.

"Do you mind getting out of the car and I don't know HURRYING UP!" Yelled a familiar voice.

I opened my eyes slightly and was utterly surprised at what I saw. I was sunny and green and beautiful. I looked around in awe. There were trees shading the whole area and a slight breeze. The breeze carried the sent of leaves and flowers and... Something else. Something strangely familiar, like I've smelled it but a while ago. What is it?'s...blood. I looked at my wrists, the multiple criss cross cuts were healing. I looked around to see were the smell was coming from, but couldn't see anything. I took a step forward to see if it was something in front of me. When I did, I stepped in something sticky and looked down. I screamed (again). There was a dead body, with blood still flowing out of it, lying there.

"Where the hell are we!!!!!?????" I yelled turning to the girl who brought me here in the first place.

"Well, you just said it." she snickered.

"Hell. You got to be kidding me!!!! Hell, really?? Just wow.."I replied in total disbelief.

"Yeah, now come on! We got to get to Jon's Castle before night fall."

We both started walking in a random direction. We were passing huge trees and monstrous flowers. It was pretty but I could sense the danger of this place. We had been walking for a couple hours and everything was being to blend together and look alike.

"Do you even know were your going?" I said yawning.

The girl didn't answer but just keep walking. I sighed and started thinking about Danny. I wondered, what he was doing? What he was thinking? What was going on, on Earth? Am I ever going to get out of this place? Where this chick was taking me? Yeah, lots and lots of questions and guess what? None of them have been answered!

"We'll have to sleep here for the night." She said.

"Yeah right here in the middle of no where. Sounds great!" I retorted sarcastically.

She smirked and turned into something close to a monkey. After that she climbed up the tree and found a branch to sleep on.

"What? Can't get up? Hm.. Shame." She smirked.

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