Part 12: Vamps with Benefits

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Part 12

Kayla's POV

Cici had ran up to me and hugged me. I flinched in pain as she hugged tighter and tighter. I had forgotten about my ribs. I screamed. The pain was becoming unbearable.

"Are you ok????" She asked, with a worried expression on her face, as she released me.

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine...its just my ribs are broken and..."

"Oh my GAWD why didn't you tell me!? I can fix that faster than you can say 'my magic monster named Danny' Or not...inside joke...never mind...Oh well lets go inside." She finished kind of awkwardly.

I felt my face drop as she mentioned Danny's name. I wonder if I'm ever going to see him again. I miss him so much. I wonder what he's doing. Probably at home. Hmm.. Kayla is that really where you think he is. Yeah, I guess so. Or do you really mean to think that he's out there trying to find you right now, going crazy trying to find you. Uhh... no I mean what I say. Whatever. I sighed as I had another, yet again, mental battle with in my crazy head.

I wrapped my arms around my waist and hugged myself as tight as I could without it hurting to bad. We were now in Cici's house. It was nice and little. But had a very homie type feeling to it. I liked it. Meow. I felt a cat rub against my leg begging to be pet.

"Is she friendly?" I asked

"Oh hell yeah! She loves people, but rarely gets to see anyone but me," she paused like she was waiting for something, "and Justin."

"J-Justin? Why is that name so familiar to me..." I asked mainly to myself.

"Uhm...I have no idea..." she replied awkwardly.

She knew something and she wasn't telling me, but I'll go along with it...for now. I bent down to pet her cat. She seemed to really like me. I sat down on the floor and pulled her cat on to my lap and started to scratch her head.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Oh, her name is..." she started till she was cut off by the chorus of Knives and Pens by Black Veil Brides.

"I LOVE THAT SONG!!" I screamed scaring the cat away, "oops..."

Cici smiled and answered her phone.

"Hello" She said

There was mumbling on the other end of the phone.

"I'll see what I can do. But I'm a little busy at the moment."

More mumbling.

"Fine. I'll do it, but you owe me."

Even more mumbling

"Whatever. The portal will open in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Have fun in Hell, buddy boy." She finished and hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" I asked curiously.

"Eh, old friend of mine." She answered casually.

"Can I meet him?" I asked again

"He's...well yeah, sure. He'll be here in a while. But first we need to clean you up, fix your ribs and get you some new clothes. Cause you look like offence or anything." She said.

I looked down at myself finally really seeing what I look like and believe me I look worse than shit!!

"None taken!" I replied, "I just really want to take a shower!!!"

Cici was laughing, pointing down the hall, "second door on the right. You can leave your clothes outside the door and I'll take care of them."

I nodded and started walking down the hall gripping my sides. I felt I zap of electricity go thru my whole body and then all the pain went away.

I looked back at Cici with a questioning look. She had a toothy smile on and then broke down laughing. Was this chic on crack???? Nah, probably just really hyper and crazy like you. Ha-ha a natural high, just like me, yeah right. Its true. Maybe... Gosh will you just believe yourself once in a while! Uhm...I don't know. Ugh.

"I told you I'd fix your ribs and guess what your all better." she said between laughs.

I smiled and continued to walk down the hall opening the door to the bathroom. It was simple a toilet, a mirror, a sink and a shower. I liked it. Actually I like Hell. Weird to say but I did. It sort of felt normal to be here. If that makes sense. I turned the shower on, undressed and got in. The hot water felt good against my skin. I was relaxed for the first time in a while. I shampooed and conditioned my hair, washed my body and then turned the shower off. I wrapped myself in a big fuzzy towel and went over to the mirror. It was all steamed up, so I wiped it off. My eyes look massive against my pale face.

I sighed and opened the door. There was a pile of clothes out side the door, which included a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and red tank top. My two favorite colors! I thought to myself. I changed into them, brushed my hair and put some black eye liner and mascara on.

I walked out of the bathroom and down the hall back to the front room.

"So why are you here. There's no point of hiding it from me because you know you not suppose to be here." Cici said.

I stopped. Who was she talking to???? There was a long pause and I started to walk forward.

"I came to take Kayla back to were she belongs" the mystery guy responded.

I stopped. Everything stopped, my heart, my breathing, my whole body froze.

"You know Kayla! Ah shit I'm screwed. So who is she to you?" Cici asked.

"She's everything to me..."

"Fuck...that's just peachy Danny. Just Peachy!" She yelled.

"Danny..." I whispered.

He looked directly at me. His eyes were huge and his mouth was gapping.

"Kayla!" He yelled and ran up to me and embracing me in a huge hug.

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