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Ok so here is all the characters that I have written about. This is sort of how I see them. It also gives a little bit of personal info about them. So check it out and tell me what you think!!

Name: Kayla  

Age: 16 

Hair color: Blonde (with pink and blue) 

Eye color: Silvery Grey 

Favorite color: Red, Black 

Personality: Quiet, secretive-if you don't know her; Loud, speaks what she thinks, weird, crazy, fun, outgoing, natural high 

Classification: Emo 

Creature: Human 

Background: Her parents died when she was 4, but she never learned why. She met Danny the day of there funeral sitting alone in the grave yard. Met Cici in Kindergarten. Her foster parents don't like her and are usually drunk. She has been emo longer than she can even remember, she was just born that way. 


Name: Danny 

Age: 17 

Hair color: Brown 

Eye color: Dark Green with flecks of black 

Favorite color: Grey, Black 

Personality: Quiet, keeps to himself, doesn't let a lot of people know who he is, very very very secretive 

Classification: Emo 

Creature: Vampire 

Background: Born and raised in the Underworld a.k.a. Hell. He was kicked out when he was 5 for not wanting to be married to the kings daughter(it wouldn't be right then, but he still didn't want to). He was sentenced to Earth where he met Kayla. He than took care of her because her foster parents didn't. He ends up falling in love with her. 

Link: (just with green eyes not blue)

Name: Jon  

Age: 17 

Hair color: Blonde 

Eye color: Deep Brown 

Favorite color: Yellow, Black 

Personality: Player, sarcastic, show off, jock, not really preppy but sort of, has his secrets, liar 

Classification: Jock 

Creature: Vampire 

Background: Also, born and raised in the Underworld. He is Danny's cousin and hates him because he was is so much stronger than him as a kid and still is. He unlike Danny agreed to marry the Kings daughter, whom mysteriously vanishes the next day. He tells the king its Danny's fault and is sent out to find Danny and take him back to Hell. 


Name: Kenzie 

Age: 16 

Hair color: Auburn  

Eye color: Light Green with flecks of yellow 

Favorite color: Any shade of green 

Personality: Fun, sarcastic, playful, not so friendly, kind of slutty, does whatever she wants to do 

Classification: Slutty scene 

Creature: Shape Shifter 

Background: The last of her kind. She doesn't have any family and she doesn't care. She gets around pretending to be people she isn't. Something weird about her is her past that makes her who she is right now. She use to be sweet and innocent and maybe she would of turned out different if she hadn't seen her whole entire kind wiped out when she was 3. Now she just uses her powers to make herself seem like she doesn't care. No has ever seen what she really looks like.  

Link: (façade)  

SPOILER: (real self)

Name: Justin 

Age: 18 

Hair color: Black 

Eye color: Icy blue 

Favorite color: Blue, Black 

Personality: Sad, quiet, only a few people know the real him, loyal, emo 

Classification: Emo 

Creature: Vampire 

Background: He's the Prince of the Underworld, but only by force after his younger sister died. (OK this doesn't make much sense to you guys so I'll explain. In my story the second child always rules the kingdom. In this case the second child died leaving Justin made Prince by force.) He falls in love with a vampire named MeKayla. And is destroyed when he and his close friend Cici watch her die of sickness. He vows never to love again at her funeral.  


Name: Cici 

Age: 16 

Hair color: Light blonde with black underneath 

Eye color: Black 

Favorite color: Purple, Black 

Personality: fun, outgoing, crazy, sarcastic, funny, natural high, crazy, weird-if you know her; Quiet, secretive-if you don't know her 

Classification: Scene 

Creature: Witch 

Background: Born on Earth, to two normal parents. She met Kayla and Danny In Kindergarten thru her powers a.k.a. time traveling(whenever she goes back in time she's the age she would have been in that year. At this time she is really 14, she just appears to be 4.)(note from me: sorry this is confusing send a comment if u need more explaining) . She had to fake her death in the second grade, to get back to the Underworld. Watched MeKayla die along side Danny 


Name: Jory  

Age: 19 

Hair color: Blonde 

Eye color: Green 

Favorite color: Green, Black 

Personality: Mysterious, secretive,  

Classification: NA 

Creature: Demon 

Background: Very mysterious. No one really knows were he came from.  


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