Part 5: Vamps with Benefits

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This is unbelievable!! I thought.

Is it really? A voice asked me.

I looked to see who was talking to me, but couldn't see any one beside Jon staring at me.

I asked you a question, I expect you to answer it. The voice snapped.

Uhh..? Wha..? How are you talking to me? What's your name? I thought.

Wow, a lot of questions. My name is Jon. I thought that was obvious. And the reason I can talk to you is...complicated. Jon "said."

OK? I thought.

Mr. G cleared his throat and we both snapped out of our trance. I looked over at Danny; he was also starring at him, too. Weird, I'll have to talk to him about Jon. Is that a smart idea? You know what Jon stay out of my head! Um, I'm you. Oh...weird. Yea, but really is it a smart idea? Yes, it's a perfectly logical thing to do. Ok, ok, what ever you say. That's what I thought. Mhm. What? Nothing. Tell me. There's nothing to tell. Tell me! Its nothing. TELL ME! THERE IS NOTHING! Fine. Fine.

"Uhh...Kayla, are you OK?" Danny asked.

"Yea. Totally." I lied.

"Ok..." he said.

Biology went by fast. I didn't realize when the bell rang. Danny had done most the dissection with little of my help. I had apologized to him about a million times, he told me it was fine, but it didn't feel like it was.

"Kayla, can you come see me?" Mr. G asked when the bell rang.

I nodded. Mr. G was my favorite teacher. So I had no problem with it. I stood up from my seat and walked up to his desk at the front of the room. It was funny how similar we looked. Even some people thought he was my dad! Thinking about that made me laugh.

"I don't mean to be the fashion police, but didn't you wear the same thing yesterday?" He asked when I got up to his desk.

"Yea..."I replied.

"Let me guess. You stayed the night at Danny's last night." He said knowingly.

I looked at him shocked. How did he know? Think Kayla. Uhh...I don't know. Think. What is he my dad or something? Think. No that's B.S.! Is it? He can't be. Why not? He just can't. OK. Yea...OK.

"How did you know that..?" I asked.

"I know things. Like that you and Danny are very close and that you dislike your foster parents. I just guessed that you stayed the night at his house." He replied.

"But the school doesn't know about my foster parents?" I questioned.

"I've heard you and Danny talking about it. I need to tell you two things.

And asked you one." He said in a fatherly voice.

"OK." I said.

"First thing is that you should be careful with Danny. Yea, I know he is your close friend, but he is still a guy. Second, if you ever need somebody to talk to, my door is always open. And my question is, do you know Jon?" He asked me.

"I don't know him, but he did look utterly familiar." I answered.

"Hmm...weird he asked about you. You know like, if you were in my class and things like that." He said confused.

"Um...that's weird. I don't know him." I replied kind of scared.

"Its OK. You should get to your next class." He said

I had got so lost in this conversation that I hadn't realized the kids sitting in there seats with questioning looks on there faces. I looked up at the clock I realized second period has started 10 minutes ago. CRAP! I got to get to class.

"Here is a late slip excusing you for being late." He said handing me a piece of paper.

"Thanks" I said running out of the classroom and to my second period. The rest of the day was pretty boring until P.E., the last period of the day. We were playing football down at the field and it was pouring down rain. My p.e. clothes were sticking to me. It was red verse blue and red was ahead by 6 points. Unfortunately, Danny was on the other team (blue) even more unfortunately Jon was on mine (Red). Bleh. The game was getting really intense and Danny had the ball. HIKE! The ball was still in Danny's hands and I went to block him. But something I didn't know was that Jon was charging toward Danny, who was now running toward the touchdown area. (If you haven't notice, I know nothing about football, so yea sorry) Danny's eyes went wide as Jon came smashing into us. I heard something snap and felt searing pain, then everything went black and I couldn't feel anything at all.

Danny's POV

I felt Kayla's body go limp. I was panicking and yelling at Jon who was sitting on the ground staring at Kayla.

"Jon! Don't just stare at her!!! GET HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled.

Jon looked clueless at me, but stood up and walked over to Jenna, the P.E. teacher. He was talking and pointing at us. She looked over at us with a non-worried expression, but when she saw Kayla knocked out on the ground, she came running over.

"Danny go to the office and tell the nurse to come down here right away." Jenna said urgently.

I nodded my head and ran up to the office as human as I could. When I was out of site of everyone I picked up my speed to an inhuman speed. OFFICE! I stopped running and walked in the door.

"I need the nurse now." I said trying to keep my voice calm.

"OK." The attendant said.

She paged the nurse and a young lady with a brunette hair came walking out of her office. She smiled and asked how she could help me. I told her everything that had happened. She picked up the phone and dialed 911

"We have an injured girl her who may have broken bones. She has no parental records and needs hospital assistance." She said.

There was a voice on the other end of the phone and she thanked them and hung up the phone.

"Go back down to the field, the ambulance will be here momentarily." She told me.

I nodded and ran back to the field. I got there and saw a large group of people around where Kayla was. I found Jenna and told her that the ambulance would be here soon. Time felt like it was in slow motion as the minutes ticked by. Soon we saw to men running down the field with a stretcher. The rest of the people moved out of the way and the two men gentlely picked up Kayla and set her on the stretcher.

"I'm coming with her!" I yelled starting to run after them, but Jon grabbed my arm pulling me to the ground.

"No." he said plainly.

He held me there as I watched them take Kayla to the hospital.

Vamps with BenefitsWhere stories live. Discover now