Part 6: Vamps with Benefits

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Jon's POV

God this idiot! Why is it my parents had to choose me for the job!? Just y!? And if I have to hear another one of his "I love her, but I can't have her fights with himself again" I'm going to kill myself!! He has been an emotional wreck since mommy and daddy kicked him out. And its gonna be even harder to get him back because of his poor little Kayla. Ugh! Danny was struggling under my grip and I realized that I was still holding him on the ground and that everyone in the class was starring at us.

"Danny you know you can't go with her only family members can go with patience to the hospital. And you are not family." I smirked.

"Dude what the hell is your problem!" Danny yelled at me.

It was funny how no one expects we were related. I mean honestly we look freakishly similar. The only difference is our hair and well his wrists.

"Guys if there is any problems take care of it after school" Jenna said.

He glared at me; I smirked and turned around toward the crowd of people. They were wide eyed shocked at what they had just saw. I should be to, but whatever. Jenna called us all in explaining that Kayla would be ok and everything like that. She excused us to the locker room after her little "speech". I walk to the boy's locker room, took off my wet P.E. clothes and put on my dry cloths. Throwing my wet clothes back into the locker, I walked out side. There were a lot of people waiting for the bell to ring, so I went to the back wall were no one was. Well, at least I thought, but of course I saw Danny sitting there with his head in his hands. I sighed.

"Dude, Danny, she will be OK." I said calmly.

He looked up at me.

"This is all your fault! Now she's hurt and I can't help!" He yelled.

I hadn't expected him to yell and was taken back at the power in his voice.

"My fault. Cuz, (author note: If you haven't expected anything between them. THEY ARE RELATED. Cousins to be exact. By 'cuz' he means cousin) think about it. How is this my fault?" I asked.

"If you hadn't came running toward her nothing would have happen." He replied.

"Its football! What do you expect me to do!?" I yelled back.

"...I don't know..." he said putting his head down.

"Yea, I know." I said looking down at him.

"Wait, am I that obvious?" He questioned.

"Wow, Danny really? You've been around human's way to long. Hello! I can read your mind!" I said pointing to my head.

"right" he replied.

The bell rang and Danny got off the ground and started to walk away. I remembered what had to be done and grabbed his arm pulling him back.

"What now!" he snapped.

"You have to come home. NOW." I said.

The expression on his face looked like he was gonna cry and scream.

"NO!!! IM NOT LEAVING! IM NOT LEAVING KAYLA OR ANY OF THIS!!" He screamed and took off running.

Great. Not this AGAIN!

"UGH!!" I screamed to no one inperticular.

That's when I saw a girl who looked almost exactly like Kayla walked up to me.

"Maybe I can help."

Danny POV (right after he took off)

I'll I could do was run. I ran out the school and toward my house. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't go back there. After I left I promised myself I wouldn't go back. And I never will. My thoughts went back to Kayla. I really hope she's OK. I have to tell her everything...god...this is gonna be bad. Really bad...well I was gonna have to tell her sooner or later. And I picked later, but guess that's now. There was only one hospital in town and she's there. I stopped running when I got to my house and sat down on the porch.

When I caught my breath I got up and started walking toward the hospital. It was a 5 miles away from my house, not to bad. I got there in about an hour and walked in to the revolving doors.

"How may I help you?" the receptionist asked.

"I'm here to see Kayla Ross," I said

The women's face changed from totally expressionless to worried.

"Room 45, go strait back and turn left."

I nodded my thanks and went back to her room. When I got to room 45, I stood there and walked in. Both of her foster parents sitting in there looking at her like she was dead. She did look paler than normal and her pulse was low but she looked like an angel in my eyes.

"Danny, what happened!?" Monica, her "mom" squealed when she noticed me in the room.

"Yes, Danny, what did happen? Why are 2 of my daughters ribs broken?" Stephen, her "dad" asked.

I explained everything that happened with football. Her father looked like he was about to explode everywhere. Ha-ha that would be hilarious! Her mother was just glaring at me. Jeesh! What did I do?

"God that girl-" her dad started.

"No, you don't say anything! Don't give me this B.S. that you care about her! I care about her more than you ever will! She's better off with me!! I'll take care of her!! So if you're just going to say crap just...just LEAVE!!!" I yelled at her father.

"Fine. I don't care. Come on Monica were leaving." He said firmly.

"OK" Was all her mom said.

And with that they were gone. My eyes followed them out and then went back to Kayla. She was beginning to regain conscious; I ran over to her and fell to my knees.

"Danny?" she said her voice was weak.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I love you, too." She said.

Jon's POV (right when he meets mystery girl)

"How? What's your name? And why do you look like Kayla?" I asked.

My name is Kenzie. Why I look like Kayla is because I am a Shape shifter."

"But there hasn't been a shape shifter for hundreds of years" I exclaimed.

"Wrong! I'm standing right here," She said in a sassy tone, "And were smart enough to stay under disguise. But I want to help you."

I smiled. This will be fun. Hm...maybe she'll help and give me...special needs. I've been bored with out all the girls.

"And how would you plan to do that?" I asked.

"I know my plan. I'll explain when we get back to your house." She said and winked.

I watched her walk off and slowly her blond hair went amber red and she got shorter. She was swinging her ass making me stare.

"Ya comin' hottie?" she said looking back at me and smirked when she saw I was staring at her perfect ass.

"Uhh...yea." I said dumbfounded.

She smirked again and I ran after her. What was wrong with me? Oh right I'm a guy and she's one HOT girl! And best of all she wants me. I think. I hope so.

"He-he one last thing for your troubles" she said turning to me.

"What's-" I started till she leaned up and kissed me.

I put my arms around her and she put her arms around my neck. I lowered my hands so they were on her amazing ass. This was amazing! I didn't know a kiss could be this good!! Unfortunately, she pulled away before I wanted it to end. I keep my arms around her and she keep her arms around me. Man, I'm weak when it comes to an extremely hot girl!

"Now let's go!" she finally said after what felt like forever.

She pulled away and walked off with me trailing not far behind.

Vamps with BenefitsWhere stories live. Discover now