Part 11: Vamps with Benefits

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Danny's POV

No...I thought to myself. How could I have lost him.

I was sitting on a rock with my head in my hands thinking about what had just happened.


I jumped out the broken window and was automatically hit by a smell I knew so well. Her blood, Kayla's blood. I could also smell to different scents mixed with it. One was Jon's and the other was unfamiliar to me. They took her. Now I was furious. And before I knew it I was running down the street following Jon's scent. I was running faster than I had ever run before in my life, everything around me was nothing more than a blur. I was getting closer and closer to killing that bastard. And that's exactly what I planned to do. Rip his head off his body, break every bone, and rip him to shreds. I had slowed down my pace. I hadn't realized were I was up till now; I was in the forest on the outside part of town.

"Why is he here," I whispered to myself, "We're not in our territory anymore."

"Ah, so we are cousin" I voice from behind me spoke.

I turned around to see Jon standing a couple feet away from me. His eyes were blood red, matching the blood dripping from his mouth. I leaped at him, pushing him down to the ground. My hand was around his throat, as I stared angrily down at him.

"Where is she!?" I screamed.

He smirked. "Hm, I wonder were she could be? Maybe in this forest or at home or at the mall...or maybe, no, she couldn't be in the Underworld. What do you think?" He replied sarcastically.

The grip of my hand was uncontrollable. I gripped tighter and tighter. Jon's expression changed from sarcastic to worried. He knew I was stronger than him. I punch him in the face. I couldn't control my anger, but I knew I couldn't kill him no matter how much of an ass he is I couldn't kill him. I let go of his neck and let him get up.

"I guess... *breath*... the only way ...*breath* get her back...*breath* to go get her." He said after he was able to stand up, "And was the punch really necessary?"

I didn't want to talk anymore; I just wanted to be left alone. So I ran.

*End Flashback*

So, here I was, sitting on a rock in the middle of nowhere. My mind was going crazy. I had to go and find her, but going to the Underworld will be the death of me. I mean, I didn't think screaming at the king and his daughter about not wanting to marry her was that bad. I didn't even know the girl and I was in love with someone else. And now he banned me from ever returning and if I did, he would kill me. And no, that doesn't make sense, and I guess he wouldn't have if I hadn't used magic to escape back to earth. But Oh well, I have to save her I needed to save her. So, my plan was set; plain and simple, get Kayla, get out, easy as that. But first, I had to open a portal. I guess it was time to call in some old friends.

I flipped open my phone and hit speed dial 4. The phone rang twice before she picked up.

"Hello" The voice said.

"Hey its me. Can you open up a portal for me, yah know for old time sake?"

"I'll see what I can do. But I'm a little busy at the moment."

"Please, just open it. I'm begging you."

"Fine. I'll do it, but you owe me."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Thanks Cici."

"Whatever. The portal will open in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Have fun in Hell, buddy boy.

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