Part 2: Vamps with Benefits

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Ok here is the 2nd part. And if anyone has any comments or suggestions please please please post them!!=)

But looking into his eyes, I realized I really did like him. He had gorgeous features. Pale skin, green eyes and messy brown hair that fell over his eyes. Comparing myself to him I was nothing. Dirty blonde hair and grey eyes...that's about it. I liked my skin, very clear and pale, just like Danny's.

He took my hand and led me to the bed. He sat down and pated the area next to him offering me the spot. I took the offer and sat down facing him. He had his head down ashamed and started to talk.

"There's something I need to tell you..." he whispered, "I-I'm a v-vampire..."

I was totally shocked. He was my best friend and he was a vampire!! I was suddenly scared at how close he was to me. I stood up and turned around going to run out of the room. But before I could he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back down on his lap this time. Feeling very uncomfortable, I let out a soft scream. He loosened his grip but kept me on his lap.

"Kayla, listen to me. I was going to tell you but I didn't know how.. You're my best friend.. more than that......." He trialed off.

I looked up to see his sad eyes looking down at me. I pulled closer and put my head on his chest.

"Its alright. I understand."

"Really? That's great. You're the best friend a person always wants!"

I nodded. Still to shocked to say anything else. Danny is a vampire. Vampires drink blood. OMG! What if he wants to drink my blood!? I squirmed in his lap.

"Its alright. I wont drink your blood. I can handle my temptations."

Weird. It was like he read my mind. I'm scared and I don't want to be. He's my best friend and I'm scared of him?! This is so weird. Thoughts were going thru my head of what could happen, what might happen...

"Also, I can read minds. That's how I know what you were thinking..." he continued sounding embarrassed.

My cheeks went so red! Great! HE CAN READ MY MIND! Relax...Kayla its fine. No its not! Yes he's your friend, you know him. Ok.. your right its fine. Wait, am I talking to myself? Ha-ha I'm going crazy.

"No your not. You're just confused. Ha-ha your very cute when your confused" he said.

I looked up and saw him smiling, I couldn't help but smile back. I felt my cheek grow warm. And did the most unexpected thing I could do. I leaned up and kissed him on the lips!! He was as surprised as I was. But after about a second he kissed back. The kiss got more intense and more passionate. His tongue pushed my lips apart and his hand went up my back. He was now on top of me and we were lying on the bed. My lungs were gasping for air and I finally was able to pull away.

Vamps with BenefitsWhere stories live. Discover now