Part 10: Vamps with Benefits

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Part 10

Justin's POV

"Goodbye my darling. But that's what you get for messing with Prince Justin..." I whispered into her ear before she fell totally unconscious.

I looked at her from head to toe and back again. She was so pretty and fragile. But a human nonetheless, I could smell her blood and see the blood pulsing thru her veins. I sat down next to her, pick her up and laid her on my lap with her head resting against my shoulder. I was stroking her hair and whispering into her ear things like 'I'm sorry' and 'it was for your own good'. I know I didn't kill her or turn her into a vampire, like me. I just imprinted on her.

Yeah, I know what your thinking. What the fudge you just bit this girl, that you don't even know, and know you have her in your lap like she's your girlfriend! And you imprinted with her as she passes out unconscious. Well, I do know her. I know her very well because her past life was my wife. By that I mean, she use to be a vampire, but died of a terrible fatal illness. When she actually died her spirit didn't go to heaven, but was put into a small child's body when it was born. All her memory, and everyone else's, besides mine, of her being a vampire and living in the underworld, a.k.a. hell, had been erased.

And I imprinted with her to keep her safe and make sure nothing bad happens to her.

She began to stir from passing out. I gently set her on the ground and ran. I wanted her to remember me and to remember what she still might be. But I couldn't tell her that now. When the time is right, I promised myself, I'll tell her. And with that I ran back into the forest.

Cici's POV

Syrup, where do you think that girl is!?" I yelled to my cat.

She was a brown cat with a white belly and paws and syrup-colored eyes. She was my welcoming gift to hell, whoop de freakin' do, when I had to be took in off Earth for telling Kayla I was a witch. I still find it unfair, I mean, we were in Pre-K! How was I supposed to know I wasn't supposed to tell her? I have no idea, but besides that I was starting to really worry about her. I figured it would take her at least 15 minutes, give or take a little, but it has almost been an hour, since I last talked to her! I called her cell phone it rang and rang and rang until finally I hear her voice.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Kayla where are you..."

"Hello?" She repeated.

"Kayla, can you hear me???" I asked.

"Well I don't know, but I'm not here right now soooo leave a message after the beep!" She finished.

Damn! It was only her voice mail! I hung up the phone. There was no need to leave a message. My phone fell from my hand and hit the floor with a thud. I didn't know what to do. What happened to her?

"I'm going to go look for her." I said to myself.

Syrup looked up at me for a second then curled up into a tight ball and fell back asleep. I was walking out the door when... Beep! I had just received a text. I looked down and read it.

Hey I got bitten by a vamp&passed out. HELP ME! Kayla

Oh my god!!! I started running, but then I remembered I didn't know where she was.

Where r u? Cici

I started walking down the way I told her to come thinking that's where she would most likely be. I walked down the path that would lead to the main road. And then I see her sitting on the ground. I ran to see if she was ok.

"Kayla!" I yelled giving her a big hug.

"Cici!" She yelled returning my hug.

Its weird cause I feel like we have been friends forever. I think she feels the same, but I'm not sure. Maybe it's just my imagination...

"Are you ok??? You said you got bit by one of those nasty bloodsuckers." I asked her.

She paused, feeling the two small punctures on her neck.

"He wasn't nasty" she replied defensively, "And I'm fine."

I stared at her a little took in aback.

"Well.. uh ok. Lets get you to my place. You can take a shower and.. I think you're the same size as me.. so some new clothes, too. You look horrible." I told her.

"Thanks." She said sarcastically.

"No problem."

We walked back to my house, with only the moonlight to guide us. We talked the whole way. About how she got here, how was life on earth, some of the creatures around here, parents, our lives growing up, ect. Just about everything under the sun. It was still so weird how we just...clicked. How do I know her? Why does she look so familiar? Why does it still feel like we had been best friends? The questions were stuck in my head and I wanted them to be answered. Now. We were just approaching my home when she said something that triggered my memory.

"Lilies!!" She yelled and ran to the small garden in front of my house, "These are my all time favorite flower. That's why I would name my daughter Lily, if I ever have one."

I froze. "Mekayla..."I whispered under my breath.

No...that can't be her.

-Why not?

She died...she's gone.

-She looks like her, she wants to name her daughter Lily after her favorite flower, she's emo.

S-so...and how do you know that..?

-Look at her wrists

I looked up. She was so busy smelling the flowers she hadn't noticed that I had stopped. I glanced down at her wrists and sure enough I saw the same criss-crosscuts Mekayla always had on her wrists.

It can't be I-I watched her die...

*Flash back*

She was laying in the bed. Her pale skin was more pale than usual. Honestly, she looked like a ghost. Justin was sitting on the side of the bed holding her hand and stroking her damp blond hair. There was so much grief in his eyes as he looked at her. He couldn't help her, I couldn't help her, the doctor couldn't, no one could. I felt a tear escape from my eye, but I wiped it away quickly. I had to stay strong for her. The doctor said she only had a few more hours with us. I rested my hand on Justin's shoulder. I can imagine how hard this is on him. He loves her so much. They had been together for years and had just recently gotten married.

"Why does it have to be her..?" he asks.

I didn't know how to answer this and just stayed quiet. Kayla had tears in her grey eyes. She gently rested her hand on his face.

"Remember I'll always love you." She said in a voice so small I had to lean in to hear.

More tears were flowing down my face. She was my best friend. We did everything together. I looked over at Justin he was crying, too.

"Cici" she said, "I love you sis." She said softly.

She was crying.

"Goodbye..." She finished.

Her hand slides off his face and I knew she was gone.

*End Flashback*

"Cici, are you ok," Kayla asks me.

I looked up at her with tear filled eyes and nodded my head.

"Your back!" I yelled rejoiced and gave her a hug.

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