Part 8: Vamps with Benefits

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PART 8 (earlier that day when Jon and Kenzie go to Jon's house)

Kenzie's POV

Jon led me to his car. He had a black Mercedes Benz. It was sooo cool!! It had black leather seating and was a convertible, of course!

<Wanna, check it out?>

He opened my door for me, aw what a gentlemen, and I slid into the seat. He went around the car and got into the drivers seat, he started the car and we were off, zooming down the freeway, toward his house. My hair was blowing in the wind like crazy and Jon a crazy smile on his face. Hm, wonder what he was thinking...

"What's wrong with you?" I questioned.

He's smile got bigger and he replied, "Nothing, just happy."

I nodded my head confused, "Riiiiigght."

He was cute with the weird smile. We had just pulled up the driveway to his HUGE! Just like holy crap!! It made me want to scream!

<I know you guys wanna see it! so try the link;)>

"You got to be kidding me! This is were you live!!" I screamed as we pulled up the driveway.

"Yah for now." He replied calmly.

"What!?" I said still screaming.

"Yah? Now close your mouth and lets go inside." He told me.

I closed my mouth and followed him in. Gawd, the inside was as beautiful as the outside. It seemed to sparkle!

"Gees, how many times do I have to tell you to close your mouth?" He asked me.

"Oh, shut up." I said to him.

"Ha, well how bout we go to the kitchen and get something to eat." He said.

I nodded, still looking around. The house looked gorgeous but it felt so empty.

"Do you live alone?" I asked.

"Well..."He started.

Jon's POV

I figured I had to tell her everything, ya know about having to get Danny back and such.

"Well..."I started, "I do temporarily. You see the only reason I'm on Earth and not the Underworld is because I need to bring Danny back."

I had pulled to cups out and some chips. Obviously I wasn't going to eat them, but she would. I filled one of the cups up with blood and the other with some soda.

"Huh, I see. But why do you have to bring him back?" She asked me taking a drink of the soda and grabbing some chips.

"He told Kayla that he was a vampire. Simple as that." I said flatly.

"Oh." Was all she said.

It was quiet for a while. The only noise was the ticking clocks and the rustling bag of chips.

"Yea. Ok so what's the plan?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Well, you need to get Danny, right?" she started, "I think we should take Kayla and bring her back to the Underworld. Knowing Danny he'll follow like a dog. Then, he'll be there and we can just get a phoenix to take her back. You can do whatever you need to do to Danny and everyone is happy."

I thought about it, it sounded full proof.

"Yeah, sounds good. Really good." I said.

"Thought so. Now all we have to do is figure out were Kayla is." She said.

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