Cherry Popsicles

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It's a hot day today, hot like rest a frozen water bottle on the nape of your neck while eating a popsicle. Thomas really doesn't know why he decided to walk to the park today, he has a perfectly working car with a perfectly working air conditioner. He also doesn't know why he decided to leave the house at all because the suffocating heat that an afternoon in July brings hasn't been able to reach his two-bedroom bungalow.

Thomas, however, does know that he has a credit card and there is a store right across the way from him and a cherry popsicle doesn't sound too bad right now. He brings a hand up and wipes the sweat gathering on his forehead before starting across the street.

He gives a small smile to the lady he's passing before making it towards the small shop. Thomas places his hand on the metal doorknob and sucks in a sharp breath when the hot metal stings just a little, he shakes it off and opens the door. He's hit with a wave of cool air and quickly steps inside.

"Hi, how can I help you?" Thomas looks up to see a woman with curly hair pulled into a high ponytail, she has two small coily pieces of hair framing the front of her face. Her eyes are a shade of dark brown, almost as dark as his but he thinks hers are much more entrancing. "Can I help you?"

Thomas awkwardly clears his throat, "Sorry."

She smiles and Thomas feels his heart flutter. "It's alright. Now, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Uh, yeah." He says. "Cherry popsicles, do you have them?"

She points to a red freezer with a hard plastic cover on the top of it. Thomas nods his head in appreciation before taking the few steps it takes to get to the freezer. His eyes scan over the ice cream in the box until he spots huge cherry-flavored popsicles. He slides the see-through covering open and reaches his hand into the freezer and grabs two of the red popsicles.

Thomas savors the feel of the cold ice on his warm skin, he thinks that if every day is going to be this hot he could definitely survive off of ice and he's a little more than half tempted to try. He closes the top and walks back over to the counter, scanning the aisles of the stores as he goes, nothing catches his eye though so he just places the two items in his hands onto the counter.

"Will that be all today?" The woman whose name Thomas has yet to learn asks and unless her name counts the answer to that question will have to be yes.

"Yep." He clears his throat and debates on whether or not he should ask her name. On one hand, Thomas wants to get to know her, which is weird since he has had minimal conversation with her but that is entirely beside the point. Anyways, on the other hand, Thomas really does not want to be embarrassed, he has zero time for that.

But he maybe wants to risk his ego if it means he gets to stare into her eyes a little bit longer...And Thomas is definitely starting to feel like a creep.

"Your total is two dollars and seven cents." She says, effectively breaking him out of his increasingly weird thoughts.

Thomas extracts his wallet from the pocket in the back of his shorts and pulls out two wadded-up one-dollar bills, a nickel, and two pennies. He places the money on the counter and takes hold of his two popsicles.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, have a nice day." She replies and this is definitely the part where he's supposed to walk away but his feet are glued to the tile. He's telling his brain to move, he's telling his brain to walk out of the door and to make a mental note to never come back because she is definitely judging him. However, he doesn't entirely blame her since he is standing there like a complete dumbass, doesn't mean he appreciates it though.

"Are you okay?" She questions.

"Yes." He manages to answer, she leans her head to the side with a questioning look on her face and this is really the time when he should do something. "What's your name?" He stutters out.

She gives him a tight and perhaps slightly uncomfortable smile. "It's on my name tag."

His eyes travel down her face and to her chest and Thomas hopes she is not taking it that way because it certainly isn't like that. Never mind that though, because now Thomas can see a silver plate with bold letters engraved on it.

Angelica... It's a nice name, it fits her because Thomas doesn't know the real meaning of the name but he has always associated it with angelic and Angelica, well, she's pretty angel-like.


"Yep, that's my name."

"It's pretty." He says and like you is so close to slipping from his mouth but he clamps it shut before he can say anything more.

Angelica grins. "Thanks."

Thomas smiles at her and he is racking his brain for anything to get this conversation to keep going but he has no luck. "Well, uh, thanks for the popsicles."



He's back at the liquor store on the corner of fourth street three days later because he can't get his mind off the girl behind the counter. Thomas is a little unsettled by that because he doesn't know her, he has barely even talked to her, and yet these last few days he's been lucky if he can even form a thought that doesn't somehow circle back to her.

So here he is, standing in front of the door, preparing to buy two more popsicles and hopefully strike a conversation with Angelica.

Thomas steps into the shop, his eyes already scanning the room for a certain curly-headed woman. He doesn't see her and he can't deny that pang of disappointment in his chest. He sighs but heads over to the same freezer and snatches up two cherry popsicles again.

He begins to wander through the rest of the tiny store, inspecting everything on the shelves, he picks up a bag of chips along with a water bottle. He's walking at a considerably slower pace and he's been walking up and down the same aisles because he's hoping to see Angelica today and it's almost like he can't leave without seeing her.

"You're back." Thomas spins on his heels and smiles when he sees Angelica.

"Yep." He says as he's walking over to the counter.

"I'm glad." Angelica smiles. "You know," She pauses giving him a grin, "I never learned your name." She tells him as she rings his stuff up.

"Thomas," he quickly replies, a little too quickly if you ask him but Angelica only laughs. Her laugh is a nice and warm sound. It makes him feel good on the inside and he's keen on continuing to make her laugh.

"Well, Thomas, how would you like to go out with me Saturday night?" Angelica says and the noise that comes out of his mouth is not human. He's sure of it but it makes Angelica laugh again so he's not too worried about it.

"As like a date?" He manages to choke out.

Angelica smirks, "yes, like a date."

It takes Thomas a few seconds to process what she's said, though Angelica doesn't look worried because she is looking at him with an expression full of amusement and adoration. And she's definitely better than him because if it had taken anyone that long to answer him he would certainly want to go crawl in a hole and die.

"I would love to." He replies and he's positive it comes out as a mangled squeak but Angelica understands him because her smile brightens along with her eyes and it makes Thomas's head spin even more than it already is.

This woman will be the death of him and he is not complaining.

"That'll be five dollars and eight cents."

A/N: Inspired by the heat that is killing me, which is funny because it's honestly not THAT hot but I absolutely despise the heat so I say it IS that hot.

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