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Thomas was fuming. Alexander Hamilton was flirting with Angelica Schuyler. His Angelica.

Well, it wasn't really flirting, but it was close enough.

Thomas supposed he shouldn't be this upset considering Alexander was with Eliza, Angelica's dear sister and Angelica wouldn't do that to Eliza, and once again he wasn't really flirting. There was also the fact that Angelica wasn't really his. A man could dream though.

Thomas Jefferson was absolutely head over heels for Angelica Schuyler. She didn't know that though. They were just friends, Thomas's only friend besides James Madison. Everybody hated him and he hated everybody else. He's not even sure how he became friends with James and Angelica. Not that he's complaining. He would be perfectly fine without friends. It was simply nice to have them.

He watched as Alexander and Angelica hug and then Alexander walked away. Angelica's eyes scanned the room and stopped when they spotted Thomas's face. She walked over to him and Thomas had to stop the big dopey grin that threatened to appear on his face.

"Hey, Tommy," Angelica smiled.

"Nice to see that you've finally made your way over to speak to me." Thomas laughed although there's a hint of bitterness in his voice and he didn't even know where it came from. By the confusion on Angelica's face, he could tell she noticed.

"Uh, what's with the hostility?"

"Nothing. You and Hamilton just seem real cozy." Angelica narrowed her eyes at him but he could see the pained look on her face and he instantly felt bad. He didn't even know why he was being such a jerk right now.

"I'm sorry," Angelica laughed. "I must've heard that wrong because it sounds like you're implying that I'm flirting with my sister's boyfriend. And I know that's not what you were tryna say, right?" Thomas shrunk under Angelica's glare.

God, if only he could reverse time, this amazingly terrifying and embarrassing conversation would have never occurred. "See, now I know why everybody hates you." She hissed before turning around and making her way through the crowd.

Damn it, that was definitely not how the conversation was supposed to go. He was supposed to make some stupid joke and he'd get to hear her heavenly laugh. They would get a little tipsy and then supervise James Madison as he got blackout drunk. He was not supposed to be a complete ass about something that wasn't even that big of a deal. So now his feelings were hurt and he was pretty sure he hurt Angelica too.

"What a night." He whispered to himself before pushing through the crowd to go find Angelica. He really had to apologize. Maybe tonight would be the night he would finally tell her how he felt. Tell her that he wasn't sure when he fell in love but he for sure loved her. Confess to her that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and that he would die for her. All the things that made Thomas act like a punk.

He found her out on the balcony. She looked like a goddess, the way the wind is flowing through her hair and the way her cheeks are the tiniest bit rosy, and the way her eyes sparkle.

Her eyes were his favorite thing about her, besides her personality, they looked like they belonged up in the night sky along with the other stars. He was sure they would shine the brightest.

He gulped. "Angelica, I'm sorry about what I said." He said, making his way over to her. He stood right next to her and their elbows were touching. He was glad she didn't move away, he liked being close to her. "I don't even know why I said what I said. I'm just really sorry."

She turned to face him and for a second he thought he was about to get slapped. That was before she crashed her lips onto his. It took him a moment to process the fact that her lips were on his, but when he did he instantly kissed back. And God, it felt good.

This certainly wasn't the way he expected their first kiss to go, but it was so much better. She initiated the kiss which means she must have some feelings for him.

They pulled apart when the need for air was absolutely necessary. "I-I'm sorry-" She started to apologize but he interrupted her.

"It's okay, I liked it." He grinned and the panicked look on her face was replaced by her wonderful smile."I've been wanting to do that for a while." He added, before leaning to kiss her again.

"Let's get back to the party, I'm sure James is looking for us." She grabbed his hand and pulled him back into the crowd. And although he wanted to stay on the balcony with her, going back to the party wasn't so bad, not as long as she was holding his hand.

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