Divorced But Not Really

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"Wait- so your parents are divorced?"

Coretta gets the question a lot, usually followed by a "why?" and that one, that one Coretta can't give an answer to. Because she wonders why too, wonders how, and if they regret the decision. She thinks she knows the answer to the last one, thinks that it's clear that they regret it. And once again she's asking herself why?

She never asks them, knows it's a sore spot with a lot of history, but still, she wonders.

Coretta nods her head, handing her two friends soda cans as she settles into her desk chair. "Yep."

"Why?" Never fails. "They seem so good together," Jackson says.

Marley, her other friend, nods her head in agreement. "Right? Better than my parents for sure."

Coretta shrugs, spinning around in her chair to face Jackson and Marley. "I've been asking the same question since I could grasp the concept of divorce."

Maybe this is just one of those times where people are better off separated, their personalities clash, and sometimes love just isn't enough. Though, some part of her knows that that isn't the case for her parents. But she likes to get answers to the questions she asks, it's weird when something is left unanswered, and so she comes up with the most plausible situation.

It never satisfies her, though, it's better than nothing.

Marley hums thoughtfully, mulling over the information she's just received before a mischievous and tiny bit terrifying smirk lights up her face.

"That ain't a good look," Jackson mumbles.

Coretta sighs, she knows her friend, knows what that smile means, and she doesn't want any part of it. "Whatever you're thinking, no."

Her friend gasps, offended, though unrightfully so. "What do you mean "no"? You don't even know what I have to say. It's a great idea by the way."

"No, Marley, it's not. It'll probably end with me in trouble."

She rolls her eyes. "Only if it doesn't work." Coretta glares at her and Marley sighs. "But fine, if you don't wanna hear my genius idea, I won't share it."

Ignoring the part of her that was interested in whatever Marley had conjured up, Coretta smiles. "Thank you."

"I wanted to know," Jackson says

And honestly, he had to have expected the pillow that was launched his way.


Of course, the nagging in her brain won't let her drop the whole discussion. And Coretta tries, she really does try. She focuses on her homework, finishes it in record time too, but then there's nothing left to occupy herself with.

And when she looks at Marley it's apparent that she's still thinking about her earlier idea, the one that Coretta had immediately shot down.

It's not a good one, Corretta is aware of that, because when that smile spreads across her friend's face it always leads to trouble. Only this time she had been able to shut it down before it could go anywhere.

But Coretta wants to know. So with a huff, she flops down onto the floor beside Marley and facing Jackson. Marley isn't doing her homework, she finished it in class. Despite being a troublemaker she's quite smart.

Jackson, however, is hunched over, hand moving quickly as he scribbles words onto his paper.

"You wanna know, don't you." Coretta stays silent. "Come on, admit it." Silence. "Oh God, you are so stubborn."

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