Uncle and Aunty

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She loved watching her niece. She was so sweet and probably the smartest five-year-old Angelica’s ever met. She reminded her so much of Eliza when it came to looks, but she was so much like Angelica personality-wise. She was pretty much just a great kid.

“Aunty Angelica, when am I going to see Uncle Tommy again?” Little Angie asked while she applied blush to Angelica’s face.

“He’s coming over today.” The little girl smiled at that. “Are you done yet?”

The girl sighed dramatically and Angelica laughed. “No Aunty, I’m not done, so stop moving and let me put this lipgloss on you.”

“Okay sorry.” She apologized and stayed as still as a statue so she didn't upset the little girl. Angie put on at least six layers of the sticky lip gloss she was done.

“Now I’m finished.” She handed her aunt a mirror, Angelica looked into it and if she was being honest she did well for a five-year-old. “Do ya like it?”

“Of course I like it. I look beautiful.” She said and Angie smiled proudly.

“I think you look absolutely ravishing,” Angie said using a fake posh accent.

“Why thank you,” Angelica replied, putting on an accent as well. “Okay, now put the makeup away and we’ll go eat lunch.”

“Can I help make lunch?”

“Certainly, you are the chef in the family.” Just as she finished her sentence the doorbell rang and Angie ran to answer it. “Angie, don’t open that door!” Angelica yelled as she chased after her niece but then she saw that the door was wide open and Thomas Jefferson was on the other side.

“You shouldn’t open the door unless an adult tells you it’s okay.” She heard Thomas say as she walked towards them.

“Thomas is right, Angie.” She gently reprimanded the girl.


“It’s okay sweetheart, just don’t do it again.”

“This is really endearing and all but, it’s like a thousand degrees out so can I come in.” Thomas interrupted, dramatically fanning himself

“Of course, Uncle Tommy,” Angie exclaimed and she grabbed his hand and yanked him in. “Do you like Aunty Angelica’s makeup?”

“Yes, I think she looks amazing.”

“I did it all by myself.” Angie proudly announced.

“That’s amazing Angel, she’s been long overdue for a makeover anyway,” Thomas smirked and Angelica smacked his arm. Angie grabbed her Aunt’s hand and dragged them both to the kitchen.

“So what do you want for lunch Angie?” Angelica questioned.

“Uncle Tommy’s mac and cheese!” The girl practically shouted and Angelica sighed out of relief, she really wasn’t in the mood for cooking and she had to admit Thomas’s mac and cheese was delicious.

“Well, you heard the girl, get to cooking.” She pushed him towards the stove.

“Can I help?” Angie asked, a hopeful grin plastered on her face.

“Absolutely!” Thomas answered, his voice going up a few octaves in a way that always made Angelica snicker.

Angie and Thomas gathered all the ingredients and started cooking. They made a big mess as they went, but Angelica didn’t care as long as her niece was happy. She enjoyed watching Thomas interact with Angie. It never failed to amaze her how he was almost a completely different person when around kids. Though she supposed that his sweetness he showed kids was always there, Angelica herself got glimpses of it.

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