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Colleen POV
I open my eyes and see Josh hanging over me. "Hey baby" I say. "Baby you scared me" he says crying. "What? Why?" I say. He explains to me that they rushed me into surgery. I was hemorraging. "The doctor said you almost lost some of your reproductive organs but they managed to save them" he says. "Thank god I want more babies" I say. "Really?" He asks. "Yes babe of course dont you?" I ask rubbing his cheek. He nods and holds my hand. "Love you Josh" I say. "I need to sleep a bit ok babe?" I say. He leans in and kisses me and nods and with that I close my eyes.
Then I hear Josh calling me. "Baby, Colleen wake up hun" he says. "You've been sleeping for hours and the nurse said to wake you" he says. I look over and see my family. "Colleen you doing ok?" My mom says. "I am good now" I say as I try and sit up. Josh raises the bed to help me. "You need to eat" Josh says. "Ok" I say. He brings over some soup and a sandwich and my mom sits and talks to me while holding Georgia. "I feel a million times better babe" I say to Josh as he sits in the other side of the bed. He smiles. He looks relieved.

Josh POV
I am so glad she is ok. She does look better. She is eating and talking more. I can finally breathe and enjoy this time. The birth of our first baby. I look at Colleens family all taking turns on holding Georgia. I wish my family was here too. Rachel walks in last and sees Georgia and starts crying. "Guys she is gorgeous" she says. "Matt we need one of those soon" she says. "Definitely" he says and hugs her. Rachel comes over and hugs Colleen and sits and talks to her. Colleen is laughing and having a ball with her family. She loves them so much.
Visiting hours are over so everyone leaves except for me of course. "Babe can you help me?" She asks. I see her trying to get out of the bed. "Babe please wait for me" I ask running over to her. I help her stand up. "okay give me a second to stand here "she says. I kiss her neck and hug her for a second. We slowly walk to the bathroom and I help her back to her bed. "Josh lets sleep ok before she needs to be fed again" she says. "Yes for sure" I say. I go to sit in the chair. "No come into bed with me" she says as she moves over. I walk over and climb in makin sure I dont hit any tubes or IV lines. "Night Baby" I say kissing her forehead. "Thank you for having Georgia for us" I add. "No problem... When is the next one?" She says laughing. "Not for a bit babe" I say hugging her.

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