Birthday and beyond

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Colleen POV

Josh and I are so excited. He has kissed me a million times from the doctor to the hotel. We walk into the hotel and we go up to our room. I sit down on the chairs on the balcony and look at the wonderful view and enjoying breathing in the ocean air. "Love it babe?" Josh asks me. "Yes I needed this" I say. He hugs me as he sits beside me. I curl up in his arms and he passes me a champagne glass. "Josh I can't drink" I say and pass it back. "I switched it to apple juice " he says as he was laughing. "Thought you forgot since it only happened an hour ago" I say. He smiles. "When is your due date baby?" He asks. "July 26th.... Like the date?" I say. I look at Josh and he is crying like a baby. "I love that date babe... Even more" he says. I rub his back and go to hug him. He hugs me back. "This is what I always dreamed about Colleen" he says.

Josh POV

I am sooo emotionally happy. I scoop her up. "Colleen you are going to be a mom babe" I say. "You are the mother of our baby" I say crying. Colleen hugs me and grabs the back of my neck and kisses me. I kiss her as I walk over to our bed. I lay her down and take off her clothes and mine. " I am so in love with you" I say as I lower myself beside her. "Me too babe. Enjoy my non existent stomach babe it won't be like that for long" she says. "I cannot wait " I say. I put my hands on her side and lower my lips to her belly and kiss it. I hear Colleen crying. She is happy. I bring my lips up to her lips and we kiss each other hard. My hands roam down her sides and back up to her breasts. I am laying between her thighs when I cant handle it anymore. I enter her slowly as I cup her face. "I can never get enough of you babe" I say as I watch her loose herself to me before I do the same. "Baby, thank you for our baby Joshua" she says. "You made my dream come true" she adds. My wife is amazing.

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