Chapter 11

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Elizabeth's POV

"Please open the window."

I looked up from my bed to see Leo at my window, not really the turtle I wanted to see. The orange clad turtle had visited me the night before but had never gained access to my room, I guess that's why he wasn't back today.

With a sigh I pushed myself up off the bed and trudged to the window, opening it up ever so slightly, letting him open it the rest of the way.

"What do you want Leo?" I

asked as I sat myself back down on the bed watching him as he stepped inside. He gave me a smile before he walked over to my closet and pulled out the black winter dress I was supposed to take to Kelly's tonight, and a pair of silver heels.

"You are supposed to be at Kelly's with the rest of us in less than 30 minutes." 

He said as he laid the dress and heels on the bed. I glared at him as he looked down at me.

"I'm not going."

I said as I laid down on my back as frustration filled me. He sighed and walked over to the side of the bed where my head was and gently sat himself down.

"You have to go Liz. You're still apart of the wedding."

He said causing me to turn my head and look at him.

"But he's going to be there."

I couldn't bring myself to actually say his name, if I did tears would flow uncountably and I couldn't start that again.

"Don't you want to see him though?"

Leo's deep voice asked. I nodded my head, causing some of my blonde hair to fall in my eyes.

"Yes I want to see him, but it will hurt."

I said and watched him as he looked away from, locking his eyes on the window. Very slowly I sat up and followed his line of sight, my mouth opened in surprise at what I saw.

Standing in front of my window was none other than Michelangelo, his baby blue eyes locked on me holding sadness and grief. In his hand was a single red rose with an orange ribbon tied around it.

Leo stood up from the bed and walked to the window, he looked at both of giving us each a small smile.

"I'll be outside if you need me." The blue clad turtle said as he disappeared out the window, leaving just the two of us in silence.

"Are you going to say something or are you just going to stare at me?" I asked slightly annoyed. He smiled slightly and stepped towards me.

"Elizabeth I'm so sorry about the other day. I had no right to say the things I said, and I had no right to spy on you and your brother. I was just worried about you and. I know that gives me no right to get angry."

  I stood up as he spoke letting his apology sink in.


I started but he lifted his hand to cut me off.

"These past couple day have been hell for me. Without seeing you, without hearing your voice, without your soft touch I almost lost my mind. I can't live without you. I guess what I trying to say is that your the love of my life."

I felt warm tears spilling down my cheeks and a smile spreading across my face, and before I could stop myself. In one motion I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his, showing him just how much I missed him. I pulled back, smiling while looking into his baby blue eyes.

"I love you Michelangelo. I've missed you so much. Let's promise never to break up again."

I said causing him to chuckle.

"Sounds like a good deal dudette."

He said as he placed a soft kiss on my forehead, I smiled an laid my head against his plastron. That's when I felt cool metal against my skin causing me to pull back slightly. Around his neck was a chain with a dog tag, the upper part had a heart shape hole, underneath that was the words 'her one'.

"This is cute but why is it missing a part?"

I asked as I placed my finger in the whole of his necklace. Mikey chuckled and placed the rose in my hand.

"Because you have it."

He said as I look around the orange ribbon and saw a silver chain. Carefully I pulled a small silver chain from the ribbon. On the end of the chain was a heart small enough to fit in the hole of Mikey's dog tag, it was titled and engraved in the middle it said 'his only'.

"I love it Mikey."

I said I stared down at. He chuckled and slipped it around my neck,he then placed a soft kiss on forehead.

"I love you Elizabeth."

It's Almost Time  ~Book Six in the Color Series~Where stories live. Discover now