Chapter 36

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Chanel's POV
1 Month Later

"I think I'm going to throw up."

I said as April finished fixing my hair, she chuckled at my comment before handing me the mirror.

"Calm down Chanel everything is going to be wonderful."

She said in a happy tone. I let out a deep breath as I glanced at myself in the mirror and was completely shocked with what I saw.

The girl looking back at me was no longer the young lost orphan she had been two years ago. Looking back at me now was a young woman. My auburn hair was filled with curls, the front part was pulled back so that my face was completely showing.

My makeup was light with some rosy color on my cheeks, my eye makeup however stood out. It looked like a smoky eye effect, my mascara was on thick , making my brown eyes really stand out.

"April thank you much."

I said as I stood up. She smiled and pushed me gently back into the seat, grabbing a pair of earrings off the dresser.

"Let's put the finishing touches on you before you get up and look at  yourself."

She said with a smile before she gently put the long silver dangly jewels in my ears. They had been my grandmas and the only reason I still had them was because Nathan had stole them before he burned my house down, and I had managed to steal them back when I was trapped there with him.

Something old.

"Do you want me to go ahead and put my shoes on?"

I asked as I looked over in corner where my red pumped heels sat. April nodded her head and walked over picking then up. Gently she sat them down in front of me and helped me slip them on, tightening the strap that went around my ankles, the little bow on the side.

Something new.

Letting out a deep breath I stood to my feet an looked down at the white fabric that flowed to the ground.  With hesitation I turned around and looked at my reflection.

My dress was beautiful and elegant. The top was filled with pearls and crystals, the mesh spread across the chest and to the sleeves that only went slightly past my shoulder. The waist down flared into an old ball gown style. I smiled at myself as April walk up behind me with the long white cape in her hands.

"Just one more thing."

She said soft with a smile placing the soft fabric on my shoulders, tying the silky ribbon in the front. I smiled at her as she pulled the hood that was outlined with white fur. It just happened to be Kelly's.

Something borrowed.

There was a soft knock on the door before it opened, revealing a smiling Splinter.

"Chanel, it's almost time."

He said walking in the rest of the way, showing off his new red kimono. My smile grew as he walked towards me, April exchanged a warm smile with me before walking out the door. Splinter smiled as he gracefully made his way over to my dresser, picking up my bouquet.

The flowers consisted of six white lilies, the rest were red roses with jewels and pearls , and a white ribbon wrapped around them.

"Splinter I'm so nervous ."

I said as he handed me the flowers.

"Everything is going to be great my dear."

He said as he pulled a small light blue ribbon out of his pocket. I smiled was wrapped it softly right underneath the base of the flowers.

Something blue.

With my arm interlocked in Splinters as we walked out the door into the cold December air, as we stepped down the porch steps, the snow softly falling down on the already white ground. My eyes however was already locked onto a set of neon green eyes.

Raph was staring at me with a huge smile on his face,  wearing his tux with a red bow tie. He was standing in front of an archway carved out of crystals that looked like snowflakes. It took everything in me to look slightly to the side at my bridesmaids.

All of them had on red dresses that went down a little past their knees, white fur shawls that went slightly down their arms, all their hair pulled into elegant styles with red flowers in their hair, and each had bouquets of white rose.

When we finally reached the groom, Splinter  placed my hand into Raph's. Kelly took my bouquet and gave me a wink, I chuckled slightly as I placed my other hand in his. He squeezed them tightly as he leaned in closer so that he could whisper.

"You look so beautiful."

He said as he gently pulled my hood off my head, causing heat to flare up in my cheeks. As Splinter made his way back around to stand in the archway. I chuckled slightly when I noticed that he had his sias handle barley sticking out of his tux, knowing that without a doubt that him and all his brothers would have had their weapons.

I was so lost in thought, staring at the handsome red clad turtle in front of me, that I didn't even realized Splinter had started, until Raph spoke.

"I do."

He said with his brilliant grin. I listened and waited for my cue, squeezing Raph's hands in anticipation, and as it became my turn.

"I do."

I said grinning from ear to ear.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Splinter said as Raph pulled me into him, pressing his lips into my as I wrapped my arms around neck, kissing him back with passion. In that moment I knew that I was the luckiest girl alive, and there was no one and no thing that was ever going to change that.

The End

It's Almost Time  ~Book Six in the Color Series~Where stories live. Discover now