Chapter 24

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Chanel's POV

"Chanel. Chanel wake up."

My eyes slowly fluttered open and took in the poorly lit warehouse, the next thing I noticed was that my feet weren't touching the ground. I looked up to see a chain with a hook on the end holding a rope that had tied my wrist together. I looked over to my right to see Liz, in the same position I was.

She was staring at with her blonde hair a mess cascading down her shoulders, her clothes were ripped like mine, her eyes were red and puffy from where she had been, and still was, crying.

"Where are we?"

I asked softly trying to ignore the pain in my arms from where they were being forced above my head. Liz dropped her head and sobbed a little harder, she shook her head causing her hair to move.

"I don't know. But we've been here for hours and Isabelle hasn't moved."

She said pulling her head up and moving her head back so I could see Isabelle's unconscious form, in the same shape Liz and I was in.

"Shit. Is she alive?" 

I asked trying to get a better look at her.

"I think so. A Foot solider comes in here every fifteen minutes to check on her and you."

Liz said as the door behind us opened I tensed up when I heard footsteps approaching.

"Well it's good to know at least two of you are awake."

I snarled at that voice as Nathan walked into view, he was wearing his black Foot out fit, and a smirk on his face. He stopped directly in front of me and looked back and forth from me an Liz.

"What did you do to Isabelle?"

I asked causing him to chuckle. He slowly walked over to Isabelle, he placed both his hands on both sides of her face and lifted her head. When he did she moaned and I noticed that her eyes were actually opened.

"I gave her a little too much 'feel good stuff' if you know what I mean."

He said patting her cheeks, she mumbled something to him but I couldn't make out what she said. Judging by his face it was something very offensive, it caught me by surprise when he smacked her hard across the face.

"You already drugged her, you don't have to smack her!"

I yelled causing the chain that was holding me up to rattle, Nathan let go of Isabelle and let her head drop, I watched him as he walked over to me.

"I love the attitude but I'm not in the mood to play around." 

He walked over to a table that sat in front of me and grabbed two small metal items off the table.

"What do you plan on doing to us?"

Liz asked her tears now gone. Nathan chuckled and stepped closer to us, opening his hand to show us the little devices that a claw like feature on the end.

"These are prototypes made by the Kraang. It gives me control over who ever is wearing them."

He said with a smirk as he walked past me, past Liz, and stopped right in front of Isabelle.

"Stay away from her!"

I yelled knowing it was no good, he wasn't going to stop. With one of the devices in his hand he reached for the back of her head, moving some hair out of out of the way.

He placed the device on her skin and let it latch on, it caused her to jerk her head. Nathan chuckled and clapped his hands, I heard the door open behind me and two sets of footsteps approaching us.

"Take Isabelle to her room and let her change clothes and rest." 

Nathan ordered the two foot solders who walked straight over to Isabelle. They lifted her hands over the hook and helped her stand on her feet.


Liz said causing her to turn her head and look at us. I gasped when I saw her eyes, instead of being their bright sapphire blue color, they were a pale almost white color blue. She turned her attention back to Foot ninjas who lead her down the hall way behind me.

"Now ladies I only have one more and I've been dying to use it on you Chanel."

He said leaning in close to my face, I pulled my head back trying to move it away from him. He snickered at me and used his free hand to reach up and grab my hair.

He held me still and slipped his other hand up behind my head, latching the device into my skin. Pain shot through me causing me to close my eyes.

I could hear Liz calling out my name, but my thoughts washed it out. Suddenly my mind became consumed with only one thought. Nathan.

All I could think of was him as memories ran through my mind. All good ones. After all he was my boyfriend wasn't he?

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