Chapter 34

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Kelly's POV

I let out a sigh as sat down in the gray chair in the upstairs living room area where my parents were supposed to meet me. It had only been about three days since the whole ordeal with Nathan and his death, and things were  finally getting back to normal.

Tonight was the night I had decided to tell my parents about Donnie and the little fellow who was on his way. I was so nervous my left hand clenched onto my locket, while my right hand laid on my stomach. My oversized sweatshirt and yoga pants were becoming usual attire for me.

Letting out another sigh I looked over my shoulder towards the balcony doors and all though I couldn't see him I knew that Donnie was out there.

"Kelly sweetie. We're home!"

I heard my mother soft voice call out as I heard her footsteps getting closer. Taking a deep breath I stood up, letting my fingers graze over the engagement ring on my left hand.  I put on a smile as my mom walked through the door.

Her short blonde hair was styled perfectly like always her, her skin was sun kissed, her brown eyes looked tired.

"Hey mom."

I greeted as she wrapped me in a hug, kissing my forehead.  I smiled as just as dad walked in, his brown hair was tamed, his skin was much paler than my moms, but his gray eyes were cold and hard, like always. Ever since my brother had died he had become mean.

"What did you want to tell us?"

He asked as he loosened his tie and sat down in the small couch against the wall. I sighed as my mom let go of me and walked  over to him sitting down. I took a deep breath and built up my courage my hand still clinched over the locket.

"I've been seeing someone, for awhile actually."

I said looking at them.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

My mom asked as my dad's look turned angry.

"Well his appearance is... Different so to say."

I smirked a little at that. When Donnie and I had rehearsed this and I had laughed every time it had to say this part.

"So why are you telling us this now?"

My father said leaning up in the couch. Taking a gulp I let my left hand let go of my locket and showed them the ring.

"Because now were engaged and I -I'm pregnant."

I watched their faces turn to looks of shock as they both jumped there feet.

"You're pregnant?!"

My mother yelled. As my father rushed over to me and backhanded me so hard that it made me fall into the chair behind me.

Tears started to pour down my face as I looked up at him in shock. But in a flash he was on the ground and in front of me stood Donnie.

"If you touch my fiancé again it will be bad for you."

He said in such a threatening tone that it even scared me.

"Who the... What the hell are you?" 

My dad yelled as Donnie pulled me back up to my feet, gently he slipped his hand underneath my chin and looked over my face making sure I was okay.

"This is my fiancé Donatello and my baby's daddy. And I love him." I

said as my mom rushed over and helped my dad up.

"He's a freak Kelly!"

She yelled with tears running down her cheeks. I could tell when Donnie flinched slightly that those words had hurt him.

"Don't talk about him like that!"

I screamed as Donnie stuck his arm out keeping me back behind him.

"Get out of my house. Both of you."

My father said causing me look at him in shock.

"Derrick she our daughter. We can't just kick her out.?"

My mom said looking him desperately. He shook his head and refused to look at me.

"She is no longer my daughter. I don't have a daughter anymore."

His words completely broke my heart as the pain filled me and the tears started to run down my cheeks faster.

"I HATE YOU! You have never been there when I needed you!"

My parents looked at me completely bewildered.


My mom said but I clinched tighter to Donnie's arm.

"You don't have to worry about me disgracing you because I am never coming back to this damn house!" 

I yelled as I pulled Donnie's arm toward balcony doors. He didn't hesitate in scooping me bridal style, where I buried my face into his plastron and cried my eyes out. 

I didn't realize how long we had been walking  until he sat me down on our bed. He laid himself down next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"It's alright Angel, I'm right here."

He said as he rubbed his thumb across my cheek and sleep began to consume me.

It's Almost Time  ~Book Six in the Color Series~Where stories live. Discover now