Chapter 25

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Casey's POV

If April and Donnie could see us right now they would furious, but we had to do what we had to do to survive. I sighed as I tightened arms around Kelly's waist as she buried her head deeper into my chest, her teeth still chattering uncontrollably.

We had been stuck in that warehouse for a least 4 hours and the temperature had done nothing but drop since then, the rain had turned to snow. The Foot solders, footsteps could still be heard outside I knew that the two of us couldn't stay here much longer.

"Ca- Casey I--I don't feel go--od."

Kelly said through her chattering teeth she pulled her head back enough to look me in the eyes. Her usually tan skin was pale and her cheeks were very flushed, her gray eyes looked very tired, and her curly hair had fallen out of its holder and cascaded down her shoulders. I knew I couldn't wait any longer we had to leave now.

"Come on, were getting out of here."

I said as I readjusted myself so that I could stand pulling her to her feet as well. She zipped up my jacket that she was wearing, digging her hands into the pockets to try and keep them warm.

The long sleeve shirt I had on under short sleeve wasn't exactly the warmest, but Kelly needed the jacket more than me. I quietly walked over to the window and glanced out, it was dark and I couldn't spot anyone.

I rushed over to the door where my weapon bag was, slipping it over my head so that it laid diagonal across my back. I reached into it and pulled out one of my wooden bats. Quietly I opened the door the and motioned for Kelly to stay still while I checked the perimeter.

I stepped out into the poorly lit alley way where the snow was falling fast and made it hard to see. I walked quietly to the opening and looked around to and saw no one, I looked around for anything familiar to so that I knew where I was.

I sighed in relief as I spotted Murakamis restaurant, which meant we were only 6 blocks away from April's place.

"Is the coast clear?"

Kelly's voice startled me causing me to jump and place my hand over my chest and slipped my bat back into the bag.

"I thought I told you stay back in the warehouse. When did you get so quite?"

I asked as I grabbed her hand and lead her out into the sidewalk.

"I live with ninjas Casey, I've picked up a few things."

She said with a slightly chuckle, I smiled at her response as we carefully walked past alleyways, the Foot might be gone but the Purple Dragon take over these streets when the sun goes down.

Kelly and I walked for three blocks in silence, I would occasionally look over at her, to see her shivering from the cold. Her hand would always end up back on her stomach any time we heard a noise.

Once a cat ran in between us  it frightened her so bad that she almost fell on ice. I was able to catch her before she made impact, she blushed madly embarrassed with herself causing me to chuckle.

"Thank you."

She said as more snow started to pile into her hair, her breath forming a little cloud. I simply nodded and reached behind her to pull the hood of my jacket over her head. We continued walk now only about two blocks away when we stepped into trouble.

"Well, well. Look what we have here."

A tall bulky man walked out in from the shadows. I cursed under my breath for not noticing him sooner. I quickly grabbed ahold of Kelly's arm and pulled her behind me protectively.

"Just let us through. We don't want any trouble."

I  said as the snow started to slow down, out of the shadows appeared two more thugs appeared behind him.


Kelly said behind me with worry as she clinched onto my arm tighter.

"It's gonna be just fine."

I whispered back to her, but suddenly I felt her being pulled off of me.


She yelled as I turned around to see anther Purple Dragon have his arm wrapped around her waist pulling her back into the alleyway. Since I had my back to the others it caught me off guard when they slammed me into the wall, I was dashed for a second but the anger that flooded me keep me mission orientated.

"Let her go!"

I yelled pulling out a bat from my bag as I readied to charge. I was able to knock one of them in the stomach while Kelly hit the guy who was holding her in the private area, I let my guard down to look over at her checking to make sure she was okay.

When I did it cost me a shot to the ribs with a crowbar, I fell to my knees dropping my bat and groaning in pain.


Kelly yelled as she tried to run towards me, but through the water in my eyes I could see her being pinned against the wall by two of the jerks.

"Leave her alone. Please."

I said as I tried to stand up, spitting out some blood. The guy I had hit with the bat forced me to my feet, causing me to groan in pain. The main thug that was bigger than the rest of them walked over and to me with a evil smirk on his lips.

"Your not going to stop us from having our fun boy."

He said as he made his way back to Kelly, reaching out and letting his fingers trace it's way down her face.

"Please don't do this."

She said as he unzipped her jacket very slowly, I tried jerking myself free but the pain in stomach caused me to stop. Suddenly there was two loud thuds echoing off the ground off deeper into the darkness of the alleyway.

"I suggest you let both of them go."

I knew that angry Brooklyn accent.

"Don't make us go all ninja on you dudes."

Even that enthusiastic voice held anger as well. I smirked as I watched one of the thugs rush towards them not knowing what they were getting into.

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