Chapter 31

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Raph's POV

After yesterday's situation Liz was able to tell us about the devices that Nathan had placed on Chanel and Izzy. She told us about how they glitch and how to stop them. So as soon as it was dark enough we had attacked the Kraangs lab and destroying everything in there, that was thirty minutes ago.

"How you guys doing?"

Kelly's voice came through the headset we were all wearing. It had been a very heated agreement about Kelly and Liz helping us, but in the end we gave in, they were currently in the Shell Raiser.

"Pretty good. What level do we need to go to?"

Donnie said as we carefully scaled up the building.

"Chanel's devices shows that she's on the next floor."

Liz said as we reached the window on the floor she was referring too.

"Is it clear to go in?"

Leo asked as he moved to the side so that Donnie could use he's new laser device to cut a hole through the glass.

"Yes it's all clear. I hacked into the security footage, they won't be able to see you."

Kelly answered as Donnie began to cut through the glass. After a moment there was a big circle hole for us to crawl through. Once inside I put the glass we had cut out back into its place.

"Where to now?" I asked seeing that we were in the middle of the hallway.

"Go to the right. She's in the last door."

I ran out ahead of my brothers wanting nothing more than to get to her. Once we reached the brown wooden door, I tried wiggling the door knob but to no avail.

"I'm just going to kick the door down."

I said angrily raising my leg but before I could Donnie grabbed me and pulled me back.

"There could be an alarm on the door. We need to pick the lock."

He explained as I shrugged him off knowing he was right. Mikey stepped forward pulling a bobby-pin out of his belt and began to pick the lock.

"Since when do you know how to pick locks?"

I asked brow raised. He chuckled just as the lock clicked.

"How do you think I always get into your room Raphie."

He said pushing the door open carefully. 

We walked in timidly looking around to see that the room looked like a hotel room. We had are weapons ready as we turned the corner to where the bed was. Sitting there with her knees pulled up to her chest and her head resting on them, her small figure shaking from the tears, was none other than Chanel herself.


I said causing her head to snap up and look at me with blood shot eyes, a huge smile spread across her face as she rose from the bed and arm to me wrapping her arms around me.

"Raph! I love you."

She said as before she placed a kiss on my lips. We shared a rough passionate kiss that seemed to last forever but was soon broken up as Liz's voice came over the head set.

"Take the device off her and leave it in the room."

I pulled back slightly reaching behind her head and took off her device before throwing it on the bed.

"Alright now where is Isabelle?"

Leo asked as we started to walk back towards the door.

"As you walk out of Chanel's room turn left and you'll find the stairs. The next floor up she's in the only room up there."

Kelly said causing all four of us to tense up, we knew what room that was, Karai's throne room.

"Chanel stay close."

I said letting go of her and following Leo.

"Guys be careful. Kelly and I can't see any Foot solider at all."

Liz said causing us all to look at each other. With Chanel close behind us we carefully walked up the stairs to see a long hallway. Our weapons were drawn as we reached the tall wooden doors with Japanese symbols carved into it.

"Be ready for anything."

Leo said looking at each one of us, we nodded in response before he kicked the doors wide open revealing nothing but darkness.

With our guards up we tiptoed our way in careful not make a sound. I turned my head back around and motioned for Chanel to stay put, as a deep sickening feeling spread through my chest, knowing something was wrong. Suddenly the lights flashed on blinding the four of us momentarily, before the sounds of footsteps echoed throughout the room. Once I had regained my sight we had become surrounded by foot soldiers.

"I think it was a trap."

Kelly uttered through the head set as we braced ourselves to fight, as two chuckles echoed throughout the room and our attention turn towards the throne in front of us. There stood Karai with her arms crossed over her chest, next to her stood Nathan with a smirk on his face and a katana blade held to Isabelle's throat. Izzy was still in the foot uniform, her hair braided to the side, her head was down and staring at her feet.

"Drop your weapons turtles or I will let him slice her throat."

Kari said with venom. We all exchanged glance before Leo huffed in frustration, throwing his katanas down on the ground in front of him. The rest of us sighed before we followed his lead, in an instant Foot ninjas had grabbed us and forced us to our knees, holding our arms behind our backs.

Nathan chuckled before removing his blade away from Izzy and started walking down the steps with Izzy following close behind.

"You turtles are so gullible. The device may have stopped working on this piece of trash."

He paused to usher his hand towards Chanel who hand been grabbed by a ninja and was forced into the same position as us, right next to Mikey who was on the end, earning a growl from me.

"We still have full control of Isabelle, she has followed every order we've given her. So now that you have fallen for our trap we will end you."

He finished as he stopped only inches away from us Izzy right next him, her head still down but her hand was on hilt of her sword.

"That doesn't make any sense. The device shouldn't be working."

Liz's panicked voice came through the headset, almost as if she was in tears.

"Isabelle kill the turtles. Start with Leonardo."

Kari ordered from throne that she was now sitting in. I watched in horror as Izzy pulled her sword out of sleeve and stepped closer to Leo, who just started up at her with pleading eyes. As she raised her sword she also raised her head and that's when I noticed the best thing I seen since we walked in.

Her eyes were sharpie blue.

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