Chapter 32

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Third Person POV

As the black haired girl raised her blade, her sharpie eyes catching a glimpse of the turtles in front of her. They watched in shock thinking that she was about to do the unthinkable, the eldest turtle watched the love of his life, his ocean blues eyes meeting her sharpies. The room grew silent and in that moment before a word could be uttered Isabelle turned herself to the side, her leg came up and connected with Nathan's face.

Second in command stumbled backwards, completely taken back by what had happened.

"Gullible Nathan. The device stopped working an hour ago."

The angry girl opened her hand that had been clinched to her side the whole time, revealing the device that had been behind her head. The room stayed silent as the bewildered Foot leader chuckled and un sleeved his katana.

Karai rose from her throne snapping her fingers, this earned an aggravated look from the sandy blonde haired boy.

"No sister."

He said causing all four of the turtles jaws to drop and speak in unison.


This earned an eye roll from Nathan as he swung his blade around in his hand expertly. He locked his eyes on Isabelle's with a gleam of entertainment.

"Let me fight her. Just me and Isabelle."

The oldest turtle didn't like the sound of that, knowing that a one on one battle could lead to death.


Leonardo yelled trying to stand himself up but was forced back down by the ninjas behind him. Isabelle looked over her shoulder, her eyes meting once again with his. In the moment Nathan kicked her in the stomach causing her to fall backwards, dropping her sword.

The turtles and Chanel watched as Nathan charged the young girl who laid before them. She reached out and grabbed her sword and blocked the attack, with force she shoved him back raising to her feet.

A heated battle broke out between the two of them, the only sounds that were heard consisted of metal clashing and grunts. Now they stood right next to the windows, both tired.

"You know Isabelle your pretty good at this."

He said taking another swift swing with his blade, she dogged easily but this opened her up, like Raph had warned many times before.

He swung his leg under hers causing her to fall back again. Before she could do anything he placed himself on top of her chuckling. The others gasped as they watched.

"You have no honor Nathan."

Isabelle huffed out as she tightened her grip on the handle of her blade, making sure Nathan didn't notice.

"Remember that promise you made me a few weeks ago? That you would kill me if I hurt your friends."

He taunted her his blade laying lazily to the side, his hips holding her in place. What she did next was a move no one really expecting, in a blink of an eye Nathan was standing back up. A shocked look on his face, his hands landing on a huge wound that was in his stomach.

"I always keep my promises."

Isabelle said as she stood up, her blade had blood covering the whole thing, Nathan stumbled backwards.


Karai yelled. The second in command stumbled leaning against the window, Isabelle followed after him, her bloody weapon resting on the ground. He started chuckling as blood started to spread through his shirt, a little bit of blood started to seep out of the corner of his mouth.

"I'm still connected with you doll. If I'm gonna go your gonna go with me."

In a swift movement he wrapped his arm around her waist before jumping out the window, with her connected to him. The sound of shattered glass and screams filled the area, the turtles trying to fight their way to their feet, Karai rushed forward, all of them screaming the same thing.


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