Chapter 16

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Isabelle POV

I was laying on the bed of my new apartment that my father had bought me, tears soaking up my cheeks as Max laid next to me. My mind kept wondering back to the fight me and Leo had wondering if we were still even together, but what was hurting me the most was the conversation me and my dad had at lunch. Even thinking about now it hurt me in the deepest way, I was so confused.


"Isabelle darling I'm so happy to see you. And I happy to see you too Maximus."

My father said as he hugged me and then petted Max's head, he pulled out my chair for me.

"Good to see you too dad. And you too Butch."

I said nodding my head to my dad's body guard who waved his hand at me and smiled.

"How have you been since that whole apartment fiasco?"

My dad asked as he took a sip of his champaign. When Nathan had kidnapped me and trashed my apartment, I told him that it was just a robbery and that I was living with with new friends, who's identity had to stay secret in order to protect us all.

"I've been good, pretty exciting and relaxed as well. I've never been happier."

I said smiling to myself not realizing that I was playing with the ring that Leo had given me. My heart started to hurt as I thought about the fight me and him just had.

"That's good to hear. I have a little surprise for you darling."

He said as the waiter set salads down in front of us, Max laid down beside my chair. I watched as dad pulled a key that was on a good keychain and a teal charm that looked like a snow flake.

"What's this for?"

I asked as he handed it me.

"It's a key to your new apartment. It's in a nice part of town, a very classy place."

He said as he took a bite of his salad, smiling. I looked at the key in my hand, my brow knitted together in confusion.

"Thank you dad, but I don't need a new apartment."

I said placing the key on the table. My dad raised a brow at me as he wiped his mouth with the black napkin.

"But why not darling?"

He asked as I took a drink of water.

"I'm happy where I'm at."

I said smiling at him. He sighed and his face turned serious.

"Isabelle you're living with a boy aren't you?"

My face turned to shock and confusion.


I asked.

"I can tell by looking at you and I know I didn't get you that ring."

He said sternly, I let out a sigh knowing that I couldn't lie.

"Yes I am."

I said taking another bite of salad.

"I wish to meet him." My dad said as he leaned back in his chair. My body stiffened as I tried to come up with a reason for why he couldn't meet Leo.

"Dad I told that who I'm staying with has to remain a secret. To protect us all."

I said wiping my mouth off with the black napkin that was in my lap. He chuckled and took another sip of his champaign.

"I don't believe you. I'm going to make a little deal with you."

He said in his business voice  like he did when he discussed deals with actors.


I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Stay in the apartment while I'm in New York."

He said causing me to raise a brow at him, considering what else he was gonna ask out of this deal. I figured it wouldn't hurt for me to stay where he wanted me to, after all Leo probably didn't want to see me tonight.

"I'll stay in the apartment. Is that all?"

I asked.

"I leave in a month and if I'm not introduced to your mystery man by then you will go back to L.A with me."

He said my instincts kicked in as anger filled me, I jumped up from my seat.

"You can't do that dad it's not fair."

It almost sounded like a yell. My father stood up and readjusted his suit jacket as he laid a tip on the table.

"I am your father Isabelle. That is my deal and that is the only option I'm giving you." He said placing his hand on my shoulder and kissing my forehead. I watched him as he walked out of the restaurant, Butch gave me a sad look before hugging me.

"I put a bunch of new clothes in the apartment for you."

He said before following my father, after all Butch basically raised me.


So here I am now laying on my bed, tears still soaking my cheeks. My hair was a mess, I had on a oversized blue tee shirt that hung off one shoulder, and gray shorts that were covered by the shirt.

There was a little tap at my window, Max quickly jumped up to the window and barked. Pushing myself up I saw Leo's worried face in pressed against the glass, I motioned for him to open go ahead and open it. After all I had called him an hour in tears telling him where I was at, telling him that I needed him.

"Isabelle I'm so sorry about earlier today. Are you okay?"

His deep voice spoke as he stepped through the window and gently shut it behind him.

I didn't say anything, instead I quickly rose from the bed and rushed into Leo's arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed a rough kiss on his lips. He froze for a moment put then he started kissing me back with passion and fire. I suddenly forgot everything as he pulled me closer to him, right now nothing else matter beside the two of us.

Leo gently picked me up off the ground and walked over to the bed laying me down, he pulled away slightly.

"I love you so much Leonardo. No matter what." 

I said as he gently laid down next me pulling me into his arms, our body's I tangled together. He smiled and moved some hair out of my face gently.

"I love more that you will ever know Isabelle and no one or nothing will ever change that."

He said placing a soft kiss on my lips.

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