Chapter 29

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Leo's POV


I mutter causing her to tilt her head the side, raising her brow. Her eyes were cold and by the way she looked at me she was confused to how I knew her name, just like Chanel was with Raph. Nathan chuckled casing me to look at him with a glare.

"She is under my control Leonardo. Kōgeki!"

He order and in an instant Isabelle charged towards us, we braced ourselves, preparing to defend.

She went towards Donnie and Mikey first. She was quick and swung her fist towards Mikey's head he blocked and tried to push her back but she brought her leg up connecting with his chest, making him stumble backwards.

She took that to her advantage and fired another kick to his face, then sliding her leg out low taking out his leg. He fell back on his shell just as Donnie charged her swinging his Bo staff. She turned around and grabbed the staff before it could hit her, she kicked him back causing him to let go of the staff.

She smirked as she spun the staff in her hand as if she had be trained with weapon her whole life. Quickly she struck multiple blows to Donnie's torso and then one blow to the head causing him to fall backwards.

She chuckled as threw down the staff and turned to look and Raph and I who was still staring mind blown.

"I thought you just trained her in hand to hand?"

I asked glancing at Raph who shrugged his shoulder and spun his staff around.

"That is all I taught  her."

He said before charging her, she didn't move as he got closer. As he swung his fist she blocked his punch, grabbing ahold of his arm. Swiftly she flipped on to the ground and taking the sai out of his hand, Raph laid on the ground with the air knocked out of him.

He was unable to stop her from stab sai down hard into the ground around his wrist trapping him there.

Isabelle turned around to look at me smirking, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. I hesitantly pulled out one of my katanas not really wanting to fight her.

"Isabelle please. It's me Leo."

I said causing her to looking at me confused and slightly angry. She charged at me pulling her sword out as she did so, I was able to block the blade from hitting me. I blocked every swing she took but she still didn't seemed to be getting wore out.

She huffed in frustration before kicking me the chest catching me off guard, she used her sword to knock my katana out of my hand. She jumped in the air and and spun kicking me in the face, I fell back on ground and felt her climb on top of me.

She used her knee to hold my left arm down and stretched her other leg out to hold my right arm, her lower half sitting on my chest. She held her blade to my throat while smirking down at me.

"That's enough Isabelle."

Nathan said with entertainment in his voice. Isabelle leaned down so that her face was right next to my ear.

"Get out of here before he makes me kill you."

She whispered before leaning back up and looking down at me. Her eyes were back to their normal sapphire color, her face held a look of remorse, and in that moment I know that my Isabelle was still in there. That moment of over in an instant though when she flipped off of me, when I sat up she was up at the top level standing beside Nathan. Her eyes back to the pale white color.

"Well this has been nice but we have to go. It's about to get too hot for my liking. Goodbye turtles."

Nathan said before wrapping his arm around Chanel and walking into the darkness of the hallway. Isabelle pulled her sword back out and swung it at the candle slicing it in half. The top part fell onto the ground in front of Liz and that's when I noticed the hay everywhere.

The flame began to spread throughout the building as Isabelle began to walk away. I was snapped out of my daze of hurt and shock when I heard Mikey yell.


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