Once an Cheater, Always a Cheater (Cheater Levi x Singer Reader)

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{This is a song fic so yeah, all rights go to the band/artist and i do not own the characters in this fic!}

It always ends the same
I gave you all my heart just watch it get thrown away, thrown away
It takes a toll on my soul
Because I started to believe that love's just a game we play
Is it all just a game?

What can you say? He was a cheater. He ripped you heart that was once beating, and crushed it into tiny little pieces.
{Flash back}
You walked into his work place, and walked up to his office. You thought it would be a nice surprise for him. "Levi, I bought you your-" you got cut off by the scene that was unfolded infront of you. Petra spread across his office table and him above her ripping her shirt open, and that's when it shattered. Levi looked into your pain filled eyes and could pinpoint the exact moment that happened."[F/N] THIS IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Levi frantically got down from the table and took a step towards you. "Don't...just don't say that, if it isn't what it looks like then I guess you are completely blind. Ackerman" you said just barely above a whisper "but [F/N] I-" he said as he took another step "Don't. I don't want to hear it..." you told him. You were numb, you were broken, you honestly don't know what to feel at this moment in time "please, let me explain" he told you in a sothing voice. You just stood there frozen, paralysed "Levi? Who is she? Is she your slutty girlfriend?" And annoy voice of a cow called out that seem to have snapped you out of your trance. You looked up with a a calm and collected smile on your face, but your eyes were clouded with pain and the feeling of betrayal "Oh? Petra, if am a slut then i guess you must be the person who's phone number should be on a bathroom wall, and by the way you remind me of the sun" you said with a smile still plastered on your face as the pain slowly removed itself and replace with false emotions. "Why woukd you even say that?" She sneared at you "oh you know...because you hurt my eyes you ugly bitch!" You turned around and started for the door but you stopped in your tracks and loked at Levi from the corner of your eyes "oh and Ackerman? You can keep the car and the house because i'm not staying eith a cheater. Because once a cheater, always a cheater"

One day i'll heal but i'll be covered in scars
And i'll never forget watching it all fall apart
When you finally came clear about the lies and games that you played from the start
It's like every second we spend together is always on repeat in the back of my mind
What was i thinking when i gave you my life?
You knew it would end
You knew this would die!

You stand here, on this stage. Singing this relatable song with Matty Mullins standing next to you letting the words you wanted to ay slip out of his mouth. You saw him, at the start of the show in the crown staring up at you. His grey eyes were dead with purple circles under them. You stared back at him and sing the words you have wanted to scream in his face that day

You'll never find another one like me

I think i'd give you another chance if you deserved one
I think i'd have room in my heart
But i simple reserved non
Unless you beg on your knees for forgiveness
At last but you're just a mistake
Please give me my life back.

You wanted him back you honestly do but that will not happen. He broke you, he took you for granted. He messed around with your feelings. His eyes filled with pain as soon as you sang those lines directly at him you saw im mouthed out your name "[F/N]..." your [e/c] orbs started to prickle with tears that tried to escape, but you suck it up and held them back 'I lived my life with out him before, so I can do it now. I will not let one small mistake take up eveything. He was there for a small portion of my life, but he is not here now. I will be like i was before he came and mess my life up. I am strongr than this! Get a grip!' You reminded yourself you you ripped your eyes away from his gaze and turned away. Because after all...Once a cheater, always a cheater.
《《《Authors note》》》
Okay hello. This is my first ever Levi x Reader one shot. So please don't be too hard on me haha^.^
I hope you guys enjoy it, don't forgetto vote and comment if you enjoyed and I will be making more soon! Byes! ♥♥♥

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