Regret (Levi x Reader)

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{I do not own the characters in the story}

《《《Hello, um so yeah this is not a song fic. It's  more calming and settled unlike the others so i hope you enjoy it? Let me know if you'd rather me write a sort of Tragic shots, Yander shots or just the usual sort of happy ending ish shots, thank you 》》》

You were a part of the Special Operation Squad led by your trustworthy one and only Corporal Levi. You see a year ago, the whole of the S.O.S

(Special operartion squad) was killed by the female titan a.k.a Annie Leonheart. You were not just an average cadet, no, you were like a female version of Levi, except from the fact you are a girl with [h/l] [h/c] hair and [e/c] eyes to match. You were quite a sight for the male species, heck some females too. But most envy you because of your skills, your beauty and your grace. But you have a cold exterior, and your walls around your heart are impassable, you were also a clean freak like Levi but one level below. Although you maybe hard an cold on the outside you still have one best friend who has stuck by your side before and during the construction of the walls around your heart. Why are you so cold some might ask it happened the year when wall maria fell

[Flash back to the fall of wall maria]
You were around 8 years old, you were with [bf/n] titans were pouring in through the broken wall. Before your eyes one by one humans were being picked up and devoured by the beasts, like sweets for grinning children. You were frozen, why? Your parents were killed,eaten infront of you, your mother told you to run, you were refusing to leave her behind, but you had no choice [bf/n] grabbed you by the hand and yanked you away from her running with you until you heard the sound of crunching of bones being broken. You stopped in your tracks as your face darkens, [bf/n] has also stopped and let go of your hand and another titan had eaten her parents, no wait her whole family infront of her too. Two titans were approaching  you from each side, there were some broken blades of the dead soldier's  3DM Gear as you grabbed the hilt of the blade and bag to walk towards one of the beast while [bf/n] was walking towards the other. You're  faces were hiden behind your hair that was flowing in the wind. The titan behind you started for you but you were quicker, you threw the blade at the titan, which somehow cut throught that titans neck decapitating it clean off it's  shoulders. While [bf/n] did the same. You walked together heads hung low dragging and extra blade towards the gates to saefty. The garrisons soldiers saw you two bathe in blood that was quickly evaporating into the air, with a blade at your side. The soldiers ran towards you two to see if you guys were okay, but all they see on your face were your eyes that were clouded and you seem to be far away from where you were at that moment in time. Your hand was gripping so tight onto the hilt of the blade that it cut into your delicate child like hand blood driping as you walked pass the gates. The soldiers peeled your white knuckled fingers from the blade and helped you on to the boat. On that day you have promised to yourself that you will kill every single titan no matter the circumstances.

{End of flash back}

Here you are now, standing out side in the pouring rain thinking, and regretting on not being fast enough to save their life, yes Petra was annoying but she's still your comrade, and comrades fight together as a team and look out for each other, but you had made the wrong choice. In the end the only people that survived were you, [bf/n], Eren and Levi. But everyone else were dead, eaten with blood falling fro  the sky like cherry blossoms. Yes, you have regretted the choice you made, you and [bf/n] went off to find the other squad and Erwin hoping to come back in time, and the choice that you made, was wrong. As rain poured your chlothes were soaking wet and weighing you down, but that weight was nothing compared to the guilt you felt on your shoulders. You heard foot steps comming towards you from the HQ but you didn't care until you heard a deep voice called out to you "oi! Brat what the hell do you think you are doing standing out here in the rain?! Do you want to get a fucking fever?" That voice, belongs to Levi himself. You didn't turn around, you couldn't careless if you get a fever, you just wanted peace and some air. Without looking back you walked away from your corporal and started for the forest so you could climb onto a tree. You like being in high places and love the feeling of wind in your hair, it gives you some sort of inner peace that nothing else can. "Oi?! What do you thing your doing cadet [l/n]?! I did not tell you to dismiss yet!" He shouted in an annoyed tone, you stopped only to look over your shoulder at him with your cold dead eyes which made him shut the hell up.

●○●○●small time skip to the trees●○●○●

When you got to one of the trees you found that it was already occupied by your one and only best friend. To which she gave out a barely audible "hey..." to that you just sat next to her "nice night isn't it?" She said trying to lighten up the tension just a small bit "i guess, if it's not raining so much" you gave out a breathy chuckle "mmhm" after that you two did not encounter another word but just enjoying each other's familiar comforting silence, soon you found out you were drifting off into a deep, dreamless sleep for what seem like forever. Levi and Eren found you and [bf/n] "tch, that stupid brat" he sighed under his breath as he 3dmg up to you two with Eren following behind. Eren gave off a small chuckle as he sees [bf/n] sleeping face as he picked her up and gother down to the ground safely. Eren looked up at Levi who was staring intently down at your sleeping figure and gave off a milliscule smile as he picked you up bridal style and got you down to the ground. "I wanted to tell you today brat, but you had to be in this state didn't you?" He said to you and himself as he gave of a small chuckle with you still in his arms "but i'll tell you how i feel tomorrow brat, and i'll make sure you won't even think of regretting your decision, because i will break down that wall of yours and drag you out alive and let me love you. That is one choice i will not regret"

《《《Author's  note》》》
Well, i do hope you enjoyed that. It's  something simple and calming i guess, so leave and Vote and Comment if you enjoyed. Do tell me what you think of the one shot so far because i read all of the comments and reply to them all. Anyway Jen out!

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