Addiction(Depressed Levi x Reader) [Once a cheater always a cheater follow up]

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{This will be a song fic so all rights go to the band/artist. I do not own the characters in the story}


Drowning myself every night
Me versus me has always been my biggest fight
I've been so confused for so long
And the answers always seem so far out of sight
So I fill it up, fill it up one more time
So when everything is wrong at least I still feel right
I'm in the tunnel but I can't see the light

Levi was miserable, he was broken, he was weak. He couldn't stand it anymore. After that stupid day, after that stupid mistake. He was trapped, she honestly can't see anything good in this, or in his life right now. Because the best thing and the only thing that he held dear was gone he just thrown it away like it ment nothing to him. All of this pain and emptiness he had to endure, was all his fault.

I just want to feel whole again
So I can let you in
I just want to feel whole again
I just want to feel whole
Oh where is my self control?
Where is my self control?

He just wants to take it all back, he wants his everything back. He wants to feel whole again. He took up heavy drinking, he just wanted to feel, to forget. He wanted to feel happy, even if it's just for a second. His house was a complete utter mess, since he was too drunk and drowning in his own sorrow and loss.and he thought he was never going to loose you, he was soo nieve. Yiu left because he can't keep is dick in his pants and he had to go and fuck Petra the little slut. "Where is my self control?~" he slurred in his drunken state. "Why? [F/N] why was i so- so, stu-upid? Why did you have t-to look at m-e li-like i ment nothing?~" Levi started to cry as he keeps replaying your eyes and the was you looked at him from the stage that night. Your eyes looked down him as dirt, those bright, beautiful shining [e/c] orbs were gone and replaced with ice cold and dead ones. And he he knows for well that it was his fault. "[F/N]...." he said as he cried harder "I'm so sorry [F/N] i didn't mean to hurt you" he said before her tpok another swig of his drink.

I've been thinking this could be the end of me
Who is this person in the mirror I see?
I have come so far, thought I was so strong
The truth is I've just fed myself a lie for too long
I never thought this would be me

But now I'm on the verge of self destruction
How could this happen to me?
I've never been the type to run from anything, run from anything
So sick and tired of wondering where my morals have gone
My father didn't raise me to become this
Where did I go wrong?

○●○●○●Time skip to the next morning●○●○●○

Levi woke up feeling like a headless corpes, he stumbled to the bathroom where he saw that state of himself. Messy hair, stubbled, pale as a ghost adding to the finish touch, angry purple bags under his once beautiful steel grey eyes. He looked dead. Levi was never the one to run from any problems he had, he never wanted to end up like this. He didn't even recognise himself anymore. The person that was staring back was not him. Who has he become, no what has he become? Now he is on the verge of self destruction, there is death with every step he takes and every breath he took. But he is kiling himself faster with every swig from the drug he so much relied on. Levi walked back into the room not caring about the bottles scattered around on the floor. He just needed the alcohol in his system, he just needed to feel again. He went into the cupboards only to find there was non. He walked out heading towards the shops to get some more, only to find you across the street. Happily talking to a white hair dude with grey eyes (*cough cough* Kaneki Ken from tokyo ghoul) his heart shattered at the scene, Levi walked away with his head hung low. Little did he know was that you saw him in this recked stated with bags full of alcohol. Kaneki noticed you looking at Levi, he desided to ask "that's him?" You looked at him and looked down before replying "yeah..." you see you and Kaneki are band mates and Levi had just got the wrong idea about you and him. Which did not help his situation at all, infact it made it ten times worst.

There is not much left of me
I can't feel the ground beneath my feet
There is not much left of me
I let everyone around me down
And now I'm headed to the bottom of the bottle
Just to block out the sound
God I need you now!

I've been thinking this could be the end of me
Who is this person in the mirror I see?
I have come so far, thought I was so strong
The truth is I've just fed myself a lie for too long
This is my vice, this is me weak

I need your love to erase this doubt
I need your hand to pull me out
Sometimes I feel like I will never learn
Because the bottle's always there when I have nowhere else to turn
Will I ever learn? Will I ever learn?

I take another sip
The dark room that I'm in becomes dimly lit
This can't be all there is

Levi slammed the door shut and rushed with shaking hands to grabbed the next bottle to calm him down and make him feel happy again. Oh what have this become? Levi, was weak and the only one to blame is him. Levi needed your love, he needed your warmth, he need you. His addiction. He need you to drag him out of this hellish drunken cycle of pain. Why did he have to do it? If that never have happened. He wouldn't be in this state right now. And he has realised it was all his own fault.

I've been thinking this could be the end of me
Who is this person in the mirror I see?
I have come so far, thought I was so strong
The truth is I've just fed myself a lie for too long
And the only one to blame is me

Who have I become?
This is my desperate shout
Pull me out!
Pull me out!
God I need you now!

Levi need you. It's not just a craving any more he needs you to satisfy his Addction. But will you have the heart to forgive him? No the question is. Is he worth your forgiveness? Because once a cheater always a cheater.

《《《Author's note 》》》
Alright my little unicorns! I hope you enjoyed the "once a cheater always a cheater" follow up. Anyways! Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed ^.^ peace out! ✌

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