Dance With The Devil (Levi x Demon! Reader)

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Hey guys i am so sorry for the late update, i was having a writer's block for one of my requests so i am skipping that request for a while until i get the idea for it.

This was requested by @Kitsune_Is_Kawaii

Levi kneeled down infront of a head. A head with red hair and a terror filled emerald eyes, her eyes were opened wide. Those once life filled eyes are now replaced with souless balls of coloured glass. Her eyes stared up at him, helpless and dead. Levi's heart quickened, his breath quivered his body was filling up with adrenaline. The titan before him gave off a low throaty growl as it bit of the chunk of meat in it's mouth. It bit down on the body that hung from it's teeth the top half of the body with spat out. The body that was spat out splattered agains the mud and his face was revealed, white hair and ice blue eyes. It was Farlan, Levi's eyes see red. Rage boiled up in his small trembling stature, his whole body shaked as his body guided him. Mind was in some place else. Everything happened in a flash, all Levi could feel was the wind and rain as it slapped against his skin, burning hot blood splattered and burned itself onto his face and body. Non of that mattered to him, nothing at all mattered to him right now. His rage was stimulating his every move, his heart was slamming against his chest, his breathing uneven and rapid as he slashed at the monster who took away the thing that is most dear to him. His only family. Flashbacks be gins to replay itself into his mind, Isabel's and Farlan's smiling faces were replaying in his mind as Isabel's words echoed in his head "we're counting on you big bro!" He was drowning, those words, those faces were going round like a carousel. Levi eventually landed on the ground coating his legs in mud, but he didn't care. His family, his only family, was gone. "Haaah? Such a pity sight" a sudden voice of female came out of nowhere. Levi's head snapped up as his eyes scanned the area violently. His eyes eventually landed on a certain black [Animal of choice] it Blood red eyes staring back at him. Levi gave of a glare towards the fdemonic animal "What's with the scary glare?" The [A/O/C] spoke. "What do you want? What are you?" Levi growled at the demon in front of him "hmph, i want to make a deal human. I cannot bring back the dead, butni can help you get revenge. I am a Demon." The animal stated simply. Levi contemplated on this, he has lost everything, there is nothing else for him to lose. "What's the deal?" Levi replied as the [a/o/c] chuckled. "I will help you in anyway, get your revenge. And in give me your soul" Levi looked down towards the ground his hair covering his pierceing eyes. "So? Do we have a deal?" The midnight animal questioned "Yes"

Levi sat in his office doing some paper work like always does, since he became Lance Corporal of the Survey Corps. There was a knock on his door his low gruff voice replied to the knock "state your name and business)" a female voice spinded behind the door "it's [F/N] and you know my business Levi" a [h/c] haired girl walked into the room as her [e/c] orbs gleamed in the dimply lit room. "If you're just going to barge in then what was the point of knocking the first place? It's just wasting my breath" you walked up to his desk slowly you replied to him "oh, i dunno what if i one day barge in on you masterbating with a piece of my clothing under your desk" you replied in a teasing tone. Levi's hand stopped writing abrumptly as his face heats up. "Y-you..what?" You gave a throaty chuckle "what you think i don't know? Levi are so stupid for humanity's strongest it almost hurts"
Levi began to sweat as he fidgets in his seat slightly "how did you know?" You just sighed "honestly? My clothes don't just grow legs and walk of, and i know i was you. Because-" you paused as you disappeared from his sight and ended up behind him as you whispered in your smooth yet rough voice making it sound seductive and lustful as your eyes glowed blood red. "You've been sneaking into my room and rumaging through my draws. I can smell you, your scent-" you stopped as you hand reached to you his throat and you tilt his head to the side slightly as you smelt his neck "is very tempting. It's deliciously balanced, and addictive." You lick up him neck as he shivered under the contact of his contractor. You gave off a small giggle as you whispered in his ear again "you can't turn back now, you're dancing with the devil Levi Ackerman"

《《《Author's note 》 》 》
Hey guys, hope you enjoyed that! I'm sorry for the Black Butler themed... anyway! Thank you for all of you're requests and reads and votes and stuff i really appreciate it! Love you guys!Peace Out ✌

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