Let Go (Levi x Reader)

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{This will be a song fic so all rights go to the band/artist. I do not own the characters in the story}


You felt a strong grip grabbed you as you felt warm lips on yours. Those lips were too familiar, and too welcoming for it's own good. You wanted to push away. But you couldn't, you have been longing for this. You two broke apart but Levi still kept you Trapped in his arms. You lloked up at him with your tear filled eyes "why? Why can't  you just leave me? Why do you have to make it so hard for me?" You said as you burried your face into his chest. "Because i love to you too much to let you go."
I was all for you,
you fell over my love,
I just can't afford it this time.

He's just doing this to get you back. He will hurt you again, once a cheater always a cheater, remember? You don't  need him. This was all Hanji's plan. Wake up you piece of shit! Your thoughts screamed at you as you looked at the man who has hurt you to the point of pushing you into suicide. You have suffered enough, this time, you follow your brain. Because your heart no matter what it has been through, it will crawl its way back to the thi g that hurts you most. You slowly shook ypur head as you took a step way from him, pulling your hand away from his grip "no..." Levi's  face drained from colour as he heard the worlds slip out of your mouth. "What?" He said in a voice bearly above a whisper "i said no Levi. I will not fall for your tricks again." You said as you took another step away from him cautiously as if he was a venomous snake. In which case he is, feeding off your life force. "Why? Why won't  you give me another chance?!" His voice rising, you looked down your [h/c] frindge covering your eyes "Because, i'm letting go" you said firmly as you turned around and walked away from the haunting of your past.

Here's a story, just bare with me,
met a drug that changed my life.
Something like a classic movie,
just one look, all stopped with time.
Let him in through these very veins,
coursing through these tired bones.
Numb my body, healed my heart,
soothes my mind, and eased my soul.

These are the memories between us,
let it go, and let live again.

I was all for you, you fell over my love,
I just can't afford it this time.
I was all for you, you fell over my love,
I just can't afford it this time.

You walked out of the thd shopping center and got into your car as you drove away from everything. I can't do it again, enough is enough you thought as you drive.
{Flash back}
You have met him at a concert. He pulled you out of a violent moshpit as a man was about to step on your body as he protected you from the fists and legs that is being thrashed about every second just so come in contact with another persons sweaty body as they let go of everything. You looked up to see a beautiful man with steel-grey eyes and shiny raven locks as you blushed  seeing that he was looking at you and holding on to your waist. You shouted up to him a thank you before he lets you go and start to jump and join in with the crowd. The man keeps on looking at you as you screamed out the lyrics at the top of your lungs until you feel like your lungs are going to give way, but you carried on anyway. You got through 2 bands you were already sweating and panting. The first band's drummer threw the stick into the crowd as it hits your best friend [best friend's name] in the face and hits you on the side of the head. You carried on with your night moshing and having fun until you bump into the guy again, and you started talking. "Hey thanks for saving my ass back there" you smiled up at him happily "Don't  worry about it" he said smirking alittle. That little smirk of his made your heart melt like butter in the oven. You blushed and smiled shyly him as his eyes lit up with pure interest cute he thought to himself as he looked back at the stage as your favourite band came on and started to jam. He nonchalantly took hold of your free hand and held it tightly, you looked up at him smiling as both of your hearts skip a beat.
《Time skip》
The show has ended as you were parting ways. "Hey um...i never got your name" he said in his sexy voice "[F/N] you?" You said to him. "Levi" you stared at eachother for a long period of time, you broke the silence and the awkwardness by giving him a small peck on the cheek. As you slightly pulled away you feel a rough hand cupping the side of your face and hot lips moving on yours. You responded in no time, as the people started to file out the door, you two were in your own world.

You let me live, believing all your life.
You let me live your lie, live your lie.

You let me believe, and live you lie.

Guess I should have seen this coming,
should have known it all along.
You're a fake, see clear right through you,
left me dying, it's all your fault.

These are the memories between us,
let it go, and let live again.

I was all for you, you fell over my love,
I just can't afford it this time.
I was all for you, you fell over my love,
I just can't afford it this time.

You shook your self out of it as you began to think about how he cheated on you, how he became cold towards you, how he became distanced and left you alone. As you thought of that your blood begins to boil, your hate for him and Petra grew and your murderous rage builds up inside of you. you have been depressed and suicidal ever since that "incident" you became someone you don't know. You would put on a hard cold exterior, but as soon as yoy get home that exterior tears itself away from you as your break down and thoughts run through your head. The thoughts of it would be better if you weren't here, it was your fault he fucked her. You're not good enough! You should just die! But no. It was not your fault. It was his, you arw anything and everything he doesn't deserve. And you will fall for it again, or ever again because you can't afford it this time.

I gave you everything, and you just throw away.
Know what I deserve, know that I should let, let you go.

Let you go. This is me, letting you go…

I was all for you, you fell over my love,
I just can't afford it this time.
I was all for you, you fell over my love,
now I'm left with thoughts of suicide…

Let you go, you're killing me.

You gave him erverythin he ever wanted. But he threw it away and fucked you over completely. You don't  deserve this pain. You don't  deserve to suffer, it's simple. He doesn't deserve your love. You have finally decided. To let go and let live again.

《《《 Author's note 》 》 》
Whats up?! Hey guys sorry for not updating in...FRICKING AGES!  Anyway, me and my bestest friend Tanya went to an Of Mice&Men  concert last night and this kinda gave me the inspiration of how you and Levi met, and to be clear most of the things that happened in the flash back happened to me in real life, in fact last night at the concert. Except for the whole kissing thimg but yeah! Any i hope you enjoyed! DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT IF YOU ENJOYED! 

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