I Love You...(Levi x Reader)

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{This will be a song fic so all rights go to the band/artist. I do not own the characters in the story}

Levi walked around the acient house that he calls home. The house feels empty and eerie as Levi walked down the hallway. Until he abrumptly stop at a music room slightly opening the door as it creeked. There stood a grand piano with it's keys and beautiful wooden frame. Levi looked around to find a beautiful acoustic guitar reasting on the side of the right hand wall, dusty and untuned. On the small table lay an elegant violin with music sheets scattered around it. Levi walked towards the beautiful grand piano as he sat down admiring it's  elegance and grace. Levi ran his slender fingers over the keys feeling the too familiar feeling of comfort as memories flooded through him. He pressed down a few keys as the notes rang around the house. Small pitter patter of little feet came across the floor and stopped at the door frame. Levi looks towards the sound and there stood a small raven haired little boy with [e/c] and a pointy chin and chubby cheeks. Those innocent eyes looks back at him. "Daddy?..." [boy's name] came in and looked up at his father with eyes filled with curiosity. "What is it [b/n]?" Levi said giving is beautiful son a small smile. 'He has your eyes' Levi thought to himself as he smiled contently looking into the [e/c] pools that belonged to your beautiful eyes. "Daddy, can you sing me a song? I can't sleep" [b/n] said as he climbed up onto the seat his daddy was sitting on. Levi picked him up and sat little [b/n] on his lap while he fingers gracefuly glide over the keys as he begins to sing.

By the time I was your age, I'd give anything
To fall in love truly, was all I could think
That's when I met your mother, the girl of my dreams
The most beautiful woman, that I'd ever seen

She said, "Boy can I tell you a wonderful thing?
I can't help but notice, you're staring at me.
I know I shouldn't say this, but I really believe,
I can tell by your eyes that you're in love with me."

{Flash back to when you first met}
Levi was sitting under a cherry blossom tree with a book in his hand, as a a girl around 18 interrupted his reading. "Excuse me? Sir, do you mind if i sit next to you?" She asked in a beautiful voice as sweet as honey. Levi looked up only to be greeted with the sight of a beautiful angel infront of him. His face slightly flushed as he just simply nodded his head. "Thank you" you said with a heart warming smile that seem to turn his mind to mush and make his heart skip a beat. You sat down gracefully next to him as you listen to music and brought out your sketch pad. You started to sketch anything that came to your mind. Levi looked over your shoulder and admire your amazing skill and talent. You noticed this closeness and chuckled at him as you took your earphones out "[F/N]" you said holding out your hand for him to shake. "Levi" he said simply as he took your soft hand into his "nice to meet you Levi" you said and smiled again as Levi's cheeks flared up. "Hey do you go to [random name of an art university]?" You asked casually as you continue to sketch "yes, why do you ask?" Levi said looking backat his book. "Haha, i'm going there too, which course are you taking?" You asked "music, what about you?" He answered still looking down at his book seemin uninterested. But his heart was beatin a thousand miles per hour and he didn't  know why. "Me too, i am also taking art. What instruments can you play?" You said looking at him slightly from the side taking in his angular jawline and cheekbones aswell as his beautiful piercing steel grey eyes and his perfect raven locks as you blushed slightly. "Violen, flute, and piano. You?" Looking at your slightly blushed cheeks 'huh, cute' he thought to himself "piano, but mainly guitar" you replied "i need to work on my guitar" Levi stated "i can help you! And you can help me with my piano skills!" You both looked at eachother straight in the eyes. After that you and Levi stuck together like super glue. One day you you went up to Levi and confessed about your Growing feelings for him. He has also be holding the same feelings towards you. After that day you two stayed in a relationship all through your university years.

Levi x Reader {One Shots}★(Request Closed)Where stories live. Discover now