I Am The Danger (Levi x Badass Reader)

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This was requested by erylannprovido

Levi sat alone at the fimiliar bar as he drank his stress away. The girl behind the bar had ginger hair and her face was caked in make up as she forced her voice to be at an squeaky high octive. The smell of cigars, cigarettes and roll ups were swimming through the air and into his nose giving him a small sense of security. A squeaky voice interrupted his thoughts of content "hey" Levi looked up from his glass to be face with a clown with orange hair. "What?" He replied as he stared at her uninterested. He looked up and down her to find that her tits hanging out and over flowing her way too small top. "I'm Petra! What's your name handsom?" She asked trying to sound seductive but ended up sounding like a drowned pig. Levi just looked at her not giving an answer. suddenly there was a bang as the bar door flew open revealing a female walking in with a biker's helmet on. Her boots thudded against the floor as her leather jacket clung to her beautiful figure. All eyes were on her, including the raven haied man, is steel grey gaze was fixated on her. She took off her helmet revealing a flow of shining [h/c] hair and a wolf like [e/c] piercing gaze, like a hunter seaking for it's prey. Her [e/c] orbs scanned the room around her as her plumped pink lips opened as if to speak "take a picture, it lasts longer" everyone turned away, but one...Levi kept his stare towards the intriguing girl. She gave him a small glance as she walked up to the bar. 'Her voice, her face, her figure. The way she walks..it's so...elegant, yet intimidating.' Levi thought to himself as you sat down on a seat. "Oi carrot tops, get me a Jack Daniels" your voice rang out snapping Levi back to reality. You were beautiful, your were just everything that a guy would want. You looked down at your phone texting as the ginger woddled up to you on her heels. "Umm. Excuse me, that was really rude." Her helium high voice interrupted you mid text "and? Just get me my bloody drink" you gave her a small glare "fucking slut" you muttered under your breath as she turned to walk away, you looked at her skirt and cringe in disgust. She came back and gave you your drink slightly slamming it down spilling most of it. You stopped your texting and look up slowly, the ginger began to feel intimidated by you as you gave off a glare towards her. You then spoke in a casual tone "you know, if you keep pulling your skirt up like that some creepy astronaut might want to explore your anus" you said as she gave you a death glare that just looks like a her trying to look like a pig, in other words it didn't faze you. She kept on glaring at you "what? Oooh, yeah right! I know you need a shovel for your make up. I'm sorry to disappoint you love but i don't carry one around with me" you said sarcasticly and gave her a mocking smile as lunge at you screaming "YOU BITCH!" You jumped back elegantly and grabbed her wrist, your reflexes were impeccable, your fighting skills were perfect and you were amazing at parkour. So this little thing is just a walk in the park. You gave off a smirk as you look to the left and finding that the raven haired man never took his eyes off you, you gave him a flirtatious wink as his face heats up. You could see a little drool come out of his mouth. You gave a chuckle. You were interrupted as you hear a rage filled voice screamed at you "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU BITCH!" The cow swung another fist at you which you blocked with your spare hand. You front flipped over her and landed right behind her with your throwing knife right at her throat. You laughed a throaty laugh as you whispered in her ear pressing th knife closer to her neck " you don't know what it's like to kill someone. So i suggest you shut the fuck up." You let go of her as she landed on the floor and scrambled away from you. You eyes gave of a murderous glint as you look down at her, "i would love to hit you, but that would be animal abuse" you said as you walk back to the bar. You took a sip of your drink. Eyes were still fixated on you, you felt the stare as soon as you walked into the room. You turned to your left to be faced with pierceing steelgrey eyes "name's [F/N], you?" You asked the man as he was falling head over heels for you "Levi" he replied still drooling over you, you gave off a small giggle as you replied "wipe the drool of your face, you look stupid" as soon as you said that Levi snapped out of his world and wipe the drool off his lips.

< < < < < Time Skip > > > > >
You and Levi sat and talked about random things, Levi found out that you are actually a really nice person, you're just misunderstood. Or so he thought, there was another bang as the door flung open again you payed no attention to it at all as you already knew who it was. You looked down at your glass. "Well,well,well, look at here. If it isn't little [F/N] i see you're perfectly fine" a male voice sounded behind you, you gave a chuckle as a smirk made it's way to your face "[ex's name or someone you hate] you guessed right. Why are you here anyway? I see your loyal dogs are at your side as always?" You said not looking back at him. [s/y/h/n] replied "you haven't changed abit" your grin got wider as time seems to slow down "ah, see? That's where you're wrong" in a flash of light your throwing knife slipped from your fingers as it burried itself deep in the guy on the left of [s/y/h/n]'s skull. The guy landed on the floor as a pool of blood began to form. Screams errupted as everyone ran out of the bar in a frenzy like a hurd of zebras being chaced by a lion, except for one. [s/y/h/n] eyes went wide as you smiled at him, your leather jacket opened revealing rows amd rows of throwing knives (Like Suzuya when he's fighting the twins in tokyo ghoul) "let's see how much i haven't changed shall we?" You grinned as men fell one after another right next to him, until, there was only him left. "So [s/y/h/n] still think i'm the same?" You smirked at him holding up 3 more knived between your fingers "n-no" he stuttered and backed away in fear "you're, a bloody psychopath!" He shouted "i'm not a psychopath [s/y/h/n] i'm a high functioning socialpath, with your number" you replied grinning at him. He shook in fear as he stepped away from you, you took a few steps forward and grabbed hold of his collar as you said in a sinister voice "you tell your little minions, and your boss. That if you, or anyone else from your little group come at me again. They will end up the same as the bodies on the floor right now, got it?" He nodded frantically as you let go of his collar. He landed on the floor and scrambled away. "That was impressive" a male voice sounded behind you, you spun around to be faced with Levi who sat there taking a sip out of his drink, you gave him a questioning look. "You were great, i like you, you entertained me. This is the most excitement i've had in years" you stormed up to the bar and grabbed you helmet violently as you walked out. Levi followed you as you got your helmet on and was about to get on your bike he grab hold of your arm and spun you back round "what?!" You shouted at him "i wanted to know if i can have your number and if we can hang out again?" You furrowed your eyebrows at him "what do you think this is Levi? A game?" You asked frustrated "you won't be able to stand me Levi, well not my line of work anyway" you said turning away from him only for him to spin you back round again "yes. I can" he said firmly you gave off a exasperated sigh "you think your so tough, but you're really not Levi, you WON'T be able to handle it." Levi stared deep into your eyes "I know you're dangerous, but i'm willing take that risk!" You sighed and shook your head as you got onto your sports bike, you started up your baby as the engine roared at you. You scribbled your number on a small piece of paper and shoved it into his hand "no, you got it wrong Levi. I am the danger"

《 《 Author's note 》 》 》
Hey guys, hope you enjoyed it, sorry the slow update. I love you all. Anyway, don't forget to Vote and Comment if you enjoyed! Peace Out ✌

Levi x Reader {One Shots}★(Request Closed)Where stories live. Discover now