If You Love Me Let Me Go (Levi x Reader)

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{This will be a song fic so all rights go to the band/artist. I do not own the characters in the story}


This is gospel for the fallen ones
Locked away in permanent slumber
Assembling their philosophies
From pieces of broken memories

Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart [2x]
Their gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds
But they haven’t seen the best of us yet

Here you are. The amazing [F/N] [L/N] in an amazing band, with amazing band memebers. Is there anything else you want? Could there even be one more thing you wanted? The answer, is yes. Levi, you wanted Levi, you want him back you want him in your arms. You want Your amazing memories with him to come back and make even more amazing ones with him. But, that was not an option. He cheated on you, remember? 'I'm such an idiot for even thinking about it, get over him already!' You screamed in your head as you walked with Kaneki to the recording studio. "[F/N] what's  wrong? Your eyebrows are so lowered down on your face it looks like they are going to be your new hairy eyelids" he said in a teasing tone to cheer you up. "Huh? Naaah, don't  worry about it, just thinking about stuff" you said as reassuringly as you can, but Kaneki saw right through you. "It's Levi isn't  it?" You stopped in your tracks and looked at the ground. "Look [F/N] you should move on and get over him. He's  hurt you and he can aswell do it again" kaneki said in a gentle tone placing a hand on your shoulder. "Okay? Move on, there's  no point hurting over the past [F/N]. Look, i'll tell you what, i'll make sure you forget about him. I will do everuthing in you power to stop you hurting. Because tp be honest with you, it hurts me to see you this way. So, get better....for me?" Kaneki stared into your eyes, looking deep within your soul. Searching for the [F/N] he once knew. The [F/N] who was always sure of her actions and her choices. Her eyes seem to have a small light in them, that he hasn't  seen in a long time as she gave him a small but genuine smile. "Okay, thanks Kaneki" you two walked into the recprding studio with a lighter aura around you. You were ready to move on.

If you love me let me go
If you love me let me go
‘Cause these words are knives and often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
And truth be told, I never was yours
The fear, the fear of falling apart

Your mind wondered as you wrote down some lyrics for your new song to sing with the band. You tapped your pen on the table as ypu were having a musician block. "I need to get a coffee, anyone want anything while i'm at the cafe?" You asked the band as you stood up grabbing your bag and jacket. "Yeah! I want a cappuccino" Hanji said in a booming voice while she was messing around with her drumkit. "Uhhh, a mocha for me thanks" Kaneki told you not looking up from his guitar. "Latte" Ginoza said as he was he was playing the rhythmic guitar in time with Kaneki. "Just a vanilla milkshake please" Kuroko said as he was tuning his bass guitar. "Alright, i'll be right back" you said as you walked out towards your car. Humming to yourself as you drive to the cafe. You parked your car and headed towards the cafe until you stopped in your tracks as you sawa a certain raven haired man slumping on a bench across the road. You looked over, as your eyes met with steel grey ones. His eyes were bloodshot, he had purple bags under them, his skin was pale...'that can't be Levi....it isn't. ...is it? He looks so...dead...' you snapped out of your trance as you carried on walking to the cafe, but his image has etched itself into your brain like and angry red burn. You had done this. You felt a stab of pain in your chest at that moment. You tried to shake the image off, you honetly did but it was already building it place there. To haunt you every second of everyday. And every night you fall as sleep it would still be there. He you still be there, and that image of him suffering will never leave.

This is gospel for the vagabonds,
Ne'er-do-wells and insufferable bastards
Confessing their apostasies
Led away by imperfect impostors

Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart [2x]

Don’t try to sleep through the end of the world
And bury me alive
'Cause I won’t give up without a fight

You came back into the studio giving everyone their coffees. As you sat down, grabbed your pen and began to violently scribble onto the piece of paper, the lyrics flowed from your mind to your hand tranferring to the paper infront of you as. Hanji looked at your state of panic and stress, she knew you saw him. Her plan was coming together perfectly.

{Flash back}
Levi woke up to a text message from one of his long time friend Haji telling him to call her. Levi ignored it and carried on drinking his alcohol as he thought about [F/N] his phone then began to ring. Levi picked it up and anwered the annoying thing "what?" He said in an annoyed tone. He heard a serious Haji voice on the other side of the line saying " i am going to get you and [F/N] back together again. Yes i know you may not think that anything will work at this stage but i will make it work. Yes your were a complete dick for cheating on her in thw first place. Yes she is a stubborn little shit, but guilt will eat at her and a second chance may be available. So if you want this to happen Ackerman you better follow my every step. I will send you a message to where she is. You will be there looking as depressed as possible and you make sure you look like shit. But don't  gp begging for her to come back to you straight away. I will tell you when." After that she hung up. Ten ,inutes later a messaged waz received "well it seems i'm heading to the cafe" Levi said to himself ad he headed out.

{End of flashback}
You were frantically  scribbling away in your own little trance trying to get him out of your head. But he was already burried deep inside your brain.

If you love me let me go
If you love me let me go
‘Cause these words are knives and often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
And truth be told, I never was yours
The fear, the fear of falling apart

《《《Time skip》》》
The next day you were going for new guitars with your trusty friend Hanji. 'She seems to be texting alot....maybe it's her crush' you thought to yourself as you smiled a slight smile. "Who's  the lucky guy that has seem to captured my friends poor maiden heart?" You said in a monotoned voice. "Ummm....uuhhh..." she said as she was getting nervous. "It's eyebrows isn't it?" You asked with a bored expression "okay fiiine! It's  Erwin!" She finally said. But what you didn't know, was that she was giving Levi directions to get to you and beg for forgiveness. "Umm, i need the toilet so you go ahead and i'll meet you there"  Hanji said before disappearing. You walked towards the guitar shop. That when you heard the too familiar voice that has been haughting every part of your being...it was Levi's. You turned around as ypu felt another stab of pain in your heart.

Oh, the fear of falling apart
Oh, the fear, the fear of falling apart

(Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart)
The fear of falling apart

Levi was beggin, he was on his knees in tears, as your own were flowing down your face "Why are you so scared s [F/N]? why can't  i have another chance? Why can't  i prove it to you? I have changed [F/N] what are you so afraid of?!" Levi begged with tears flowing freely from his eyes. You shook your head slightly as you said "i'm scared of getting hurt again okay?! I'm scared of falling appart Levi! Why can't  you see that?! You torn me down! You ripped me to pieces!" You shouted at him while you were crying a river of tears you held back for so long. "If you love me Levi, Let me go, these words are knives Levi, and it hurts" you said quietly bfore you turned to walk away. You felt a strong grip grabbed you as you felt warm lips on yours. Those lips were too familiar, and too welcoming for it's own good. You wanted to push away. But you couldn't, you have been longing for this. You two broke apart but Levi still kept you Trapped in his arms. You lloked up at him with your tear filled eyes "why? Why can't  you just leave me? Why do you have to make it so hard for me?" You said as you burried your face into his chest. "Because i love to you too much to let you go."

《《《Author's note 》》》
Okay guys! That was part 3 as requested. Thank you for reading it means alot to me! I hope you have enjoyed! DON'T  FOR GET TO VOTE AND COMMENT IF YOU ENJOYED! if you want to share this around then you can, i would appreciate it alot! Any way thank ypu again

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