I Can Fix That (Cheater!ErenXReaderXLevi)

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{This is a song fic so yeah, all rights go to the band/artist and i do not own the characters in this fic!}


This was requested by erenackerman1225

To get the feel and understand the fic PLEASE read the lyrics! Thank You!

I was walking down the street

when I saw your man (Yeah I saw him)
I saw that my predictions were right (I told you)
He took off the ring you gave him
and linked his arm around someone
I'll just leave it
at that (I don't wanna hurt you)
But you actually get mad at me (Why?)
Saying that there's no way
he'd do that (Sure you're right)
I became aware of you being upset
And I said I must have seen someone else
Yes, I'll lie for you (I'm sorry)

Oh I hate you for not knowing me
I hate this waiting
Please let go of his hand now
When you are sad,
I feel like I could die baby

What does that bastard have that I don't?
Exactly why can't I have you?
That bastard doesn't love you
Until when are you going to cry like a fool?

{Levi's POV}

Levi was walking down the street looking around in his own little world. Although he may seem like her's just gorming out (spacing out) and not paying much attention to his surroundings or where he was going. 'she's happy Levi. Let it go you idiot' no matter how far away his mind really was, his eyes will not mistaken what he had just seen.

"HE'S NOT GOOD FOR YOU [F/N] WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME?!" Levi screamed at the top of his lungs making it clear to his best friend that the guy was a douche but she's just too blind to see it. "YOU'RE LYING! HE WOULD NEVER DO THAT!...he'd never hurt me like that. Don't say things like that just because you don't like him Levi. If you were my friend...you wouldn't say things like that..." she trailed off as tears flooded her beautiful (e/c)eyes...those heart capturing eyes. He would never want to see tear up or filled with pain again 'why can't you see?' "you're right...it was probably someone who looked like him. I'm sorry" no matter how much of a liar he would have to be...no matter how much pain he is feeling. He would do it for you.

You look happy
when you talk about him (You look happy)
You look good since you're laughing like this (I'm happy)
You say that you really love him
That it's going to last forever
You believe in this and I don't know what to say no more
All of your friends know him well (yup they know)
Why are you the only one
who can't see what everyone else sees? (It's you)
They say love is blind, oh baby you so blind
I really hope you will break up

Days past and she still acts blind, love sick and stupid. Like a lost puppy that is put on a shelf for the next time it is wanted. Levi tried, he honestly did, to stay by her side but the hurt he was feeling became too much for him to handle. To see the lying, cheating and filthy brunette lay his dirty fingers all over her pure and beautiful body and there was no way of snapping her out of it.

[Flash Back]

"I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE! ALL YOU EVER DO IS GO BACK TO HIM! NO MATTER HOW MUCH HE HAS HURT YOU...no matter how bad the damage. It'll be him...it'll always be him. Why are you so blind [F/N]? Why can't you see what everyone else see?"

Expensive cars, pretty clothes
Classy restaurants, they suit you well
But that bastard next to you really isn't it
He does not go well with you
He smiles fake smiles next to you
He touches your cheeks and hair
But inside, he is definitely thinking of some other girl
How could he do that? It's like a sin
As much as you shed tears,
I'll treat you better baby
The pain you handle by yourself,
will you share some of them to me baby?
Please look at me,
why don't you know that your love is me?
Why are you the only one who doesn't know?

If only she saw what he saw, if only she knows how he feels...if only he got to her first. The same "if onlys" runs through Levi's mind continuously as he walked around the park. But his thoughts were interrupted by the sobbing of a girl, the same sound that he had to hear over and over again, it was a sound Levi knew too well. He turned towards the sound only to find you sitting at the park bench your head in your hands as Eren walked away with another girl in his arms, the fucker saw you crying, the bastard saw you there and he walked away without a second glance. Levi's blood boiled to the brim as he ran towards him and grabbed in by the collar as his knee meets the boy's face. Eren was on his knees blood flowing out of his nose and mouth as Levi pulled him up by the hair to face him "don't you EVER come near [F/N] again" Levi walked away towards your crumpled body as he pulled you into a tight hug. "he's no good for you..." he whispered into your ear as he rubbed soothing circles into your back. "I'm so sorry Levi, i should have believed you. I am so sorry i was so blind and oblivious...all i ever do is get my self beat up and heart broken..." before you could continue Levi spoke while looking deep into the (e/c) orbs he loved so much and still do.."I can fix that..."

{Author's Note}

I hope you like this fic, i would love to hear from you guys so please feel free to message me any time! ARIGATO GOSIMASU!


Peace Out~

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