You Can Call Me Monster (Yandere! Cheater! Levi X Reader)

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{This is a song fic so yeah, all rights go to the band/artist and i do not own the characters in this fic!}


This was requested by piedewpie

It all started with a look. Those piercing grey eyes bore into your (e/c) pools of curiosity. He Was different, but that only drew you in, it was his "charm". But you're not saying this now are you? oh no, this is insane.


You were the new transfer student, putting it were an hard ass. Your look was intimidating, you (e/c) orbs burn through people's skulls. The bell rang as everyone else scattered around like little ants running toward's their Queen's every whim. 'i guess that's what everyone in the world is now. Ant's small, yes. powerful? yes. But are all under the influence of lies, defeat and heartless'. 1 hour has passed you finally decided to walk the class that you know for well you will not be concentrating since the amounts of fucks you gave flew away in the wind. Just like every bitchy people around you, and you were happy about that. You continued to walk down the corridor of the school making echoing noise with every step you take, the air was tensed as you continued to walk closer and closer to the hell hole. It's almost as if they were waiting for your arrival, waiting for trouble, waiting for danger. But you're not the most dangerous person, not. at. all.

Door opened with a slam and there you stood, tall, proud and ready to piss everyone off. "WHY ARE YOU LATE?!" The drowned rat screeched into your ear as you stood still not reacting to her bullshit. "YOU ARE NEW AND YOU ARE AND HOUR LAT-" you cut her off as her voice was getting on your nerves "look here cupcake. Do you honestly think that i want to wake up to come to this brainwashing place that is close to a human experiment clinic? And do you seriously thing i want to wake up to your stupid face?" before she could answered you walked over to the table next to the window as she stood there red and enraged by your statement. "DETENTION!" She screamed. You leaned back on your chair and shrugged you shoulders as you cocked and eyebrow in question. You placed out your hand to show your palm "look at this! look what's on my hand!" you said as you blew on it as if blowing off petals "that is the fucks i actually give". She turned around and continue the class while violently writing on the board.

Near the end of the lesson the guy sitting behind you walked passed your table and left a note. "meet me on the roof" You looked up as the guy walked away. 'finally some fun' you thought as you ran out of your seat. and headed towards the roof.

Up on the roof the guy stood looking down at the people that were out doing their own thing at lunch time. "What do you want?" you asked out loud making sure he knew you were there. The guy turned around. "You" everything went black.

[Time Skip]

You woke up slowly as your throat burned and you head pounded as if you were having a bad hangover. 'what? where am i?' as your eyes began to adjust to the light you saw bars...prison bars. You began to panic you tried to stand up but your arms were restricted. Chained. You were cuffed to the wall behind you as you sat up on the bed in something that you were sure was a cell. Or a dungeon of some sort. You raised you hand as if to rub your aching neck nut you felt something cold against your fingertips. You wrapped your hands around the hard collar that was attached to your neck, as you tried to remove it you heard a voice, a voice so sinister, so evil you were sure it wasn't human. "ah, ah, ah, [Y/N] darling i wouldn't do that if i was you" there was a shadow at the end of your bed, it drew closer and closer until you saw the unnatural smile plastered across and all too familiar face. Levi.

{Flash Back}

You were young, you were stupid. You and a bunch of your friends were at a music festival, you guys were have the best of time dancing drinking and just enjoying the summer sun. Just like everyone else. Until you bumped into someone "sorry" you apologised to the man as you looked up at him. His steel grey eyes bore into yours as he gave off a danger signal in you, but some how you wanted to know him. As cliche as it sounds that's how it happened. You guys became closer and closer as friends as Levi continued to amaze you in the most amazing way. A few months past and you two became the couple, the high school sweet heart, again cliche. Until that one fateful day, that fricking day. The day that your boyfriend for 2 years was buried balls deep in the filth of a thing called Petra. That scene played over and over again in your head and it hurts more every single time, and from that day. You wished you never let him into your heart. Never.

"[Y/N] darling, my dear, my sweet heart" Levi spoke with venom coating every sweet words that were coming out of his mouth. "I tried to apologise. I tried to call. But you never picked up, so i followed you here. To this beautiful town (Your Town) and i saw you with these other guys. You know the one that always walked home with you when we were together?" he walked back into the dark corner of the room only to come back with a severed head, the head of your younger brother. Tears flooded your eyes as you gave a silent scream of pain, not from any physical pain. But from the loss of your one and only family member. Your younger brother, and the beast took him away from you. "You see, he always seemed to be with you when i wasn't. He always got to see you in the morning but i didn't. HE WAS ALWAYS WITH YOU!....and i wasn't" he said starting of barely above a whisper and continue to get louder only to come to a sudden pause. as he continued. "you're mine [Y/N], you should know that. You're mine and only mine" you stayed silence, you knew there was no way you can get out. There is nothing that you have left to live for. It's all gone, your emotions, your fucks and your family. You stayed limp against the chains as you gave out a barely audible whisper "you're a monster..." you looked up to glare at him only to see his smirk "oh hunny, you can call me monster"

{Author's Note}

Hey guys! I am so sorry for being gone for so long but i am back and will be working on your recent requests! Hello to the new readers and Thank You to the old and constant readers who stayed and was patient with me as a writer, so Thank you all again!

Peace Out~

Levi x Reader {One Shots}★(Request Closed)Where stories live. Discover now