Throne (Bully! Levi x Singer! Reader)

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{This is a song fic so yeah, all rights go to the band/artist and i do not own the characters in this fic!}

You stood up on stage infront of 50,000 people in the Wembley Areana London. You were part of a very popular rock/post hardcore band Bring Me The Horizon. You were performing one of your new songs Throne. The song lyrics are very dear to you...and they are the words that you wish to speak but never had the courage to. You looked out into the crowd, as you shouted into the mic "Good evening Wembley!" The crowd just screamed as a response to your call. "How are we this evening?" Oli Sykes said i to the mic in his strong Sheffield accent. The crowd again screamed in response. "Alright you guys! This is one of our new songs, and this song goes out for anyone! Anyone! Who has been bullied in the past that has pushed them to the brink of breaking down! This song, my friends, is Throne!" Yous shouted down the mic as the band behind you began to play. The crowd screamed, cheered, clapped, whistled jumped and made as much noise as they could.

Remember the moment you left me alone and
Broke every promise you ever made
I was an ocean, lost in the open
Nothing could take the pain away

So you can throw me to the wolves
Tomorrow I will come back
Leader of the whole pack
Beat me black and blue
Every wound will shape me
Every scar will build my throne

You began to sing into the mic as a mosh pit started in the crowd, Oli stood next to you screaming/ singing into the mic as the band continued to play. You began to feel emotional as you saw a certain raven black haired man staning right up to the railings with a VIP badge rapped around his neck. The certain steel grey eyed man, was Levi, you old school bully who would put you down and push you to the brink of suicide. He would beat you with his gang of friends. You had no one to turn to, no one to understand you. Everyone was there to judge you, to tell you to do and act a certain way so that it pleases their standard of perfection. You made eye contact with him as a flash back came to you like a massive wave of regrets.
{Flash back}
"Haha! Look at you, you stupid shit! You are so fucking pathetic!" Levi screamed in your face as he held your face up to look at him by your hair. The guy behind you pulled your arm behind your back tighter causing yoy st scream out in pain. Levi kept on beating you and hitting you again and again, repeatedly until you spit out blood. "You were so ugly before, now look at the amazing improvement on your face, I Love It!" You looked up with one eye as the other was swollen and has closed completely. His eyes were not the steel grey eyes like before, his pupils were a dull matted black like some sort of film has covered it. His iris were the colour of a thunder storm, like he wasn't really there, like he was trapped and he couldn't get out of it. He was insane. Your thoughts were cut short with another blow to under your ribs causing you to get winded and you gasped for air. It hurts like the devil himself just shoved you in a pit of wolves. The guy behind you then broke your arm as he dropped you on the floor. Levi looked back at you one last time with those murderous eyes and a demonic smirk on his lips as he walked away and left you for dead.

The sticks and the stones that
You used to throw have
Built me an empire
So don't even try
To cry me a river
Cause I forgive you
You are the reason I still fight

So you can throw me to the wolves
Tomorrow I will come back
Leader of the whole pack
Beat me black and blue
Every wound will shape me
Every scar will build my throne

So you can throw me to the wolves
Tomorrow I will come back
Leader of the whole pack
Beat me black and blue
Every wound will shape me
Every scar will build my throne

Levi didn't want to hurt you, he didn't want to lay a single finger on you as you were so delicate. But the person who was beating you up, was not him. The demon inside of him was gradually eating him alive, he was slowly but surely getting cosumed but the anger that was built up inside him for years. You carried on singing as you continued to stare at him. As you sang out the line "Cause I forgive you" Levi's heart began to beat faster with hopeof your forgiveness. You see, even though he had almost killed you bacl then, he had made you become the stronger person you are today, although all of those scars scattered across your skin from the blade that you used to love so much, the adrenaline rush from the feeling of the blade across your skin and the warmth of the blood the flows out as the creature inside you escapes. Those scars are your battle scars.

'll leave you choking
On every word you left unspoken
Rebuild all that you've broken
And now you know
I'll leave you choking
On every word you left unspoken
Rebuild all that you've broken
And now you know
Every wound will shape me
Every scar will build my throne

So you can throw me to the wolves
Tomorrow I will come back
Leader of the whole pack
Beat me black and blue
Every wound will shape me
Every scar will build my throne

You carried on singing as the song begins to come to an end you stood up and walked away from Levi and stood next to Oli and started to headbang and jump around on stage. The song finally eneded you looked at Levi and mouthed a "Thank You" at him as you gave of a heart melting smile. In which Levi's heart did melt, you may think he hated you because he was beating you, but that wasn't Levi at all but someone, if not something else. In actual fact Levi actually loved you he always had, and always will. The show eventually ended as you walked back stage with the bandmembers as they all laughed cheered patted you on the back and dragged you with them. You guys were like family, you loved all of them and they loved you. But there is one extra person who loves you in a different way. "[F/N]..." Levi's voice came up behind you. You tunred around to be face with a extremely handsome Levi, he gave you an awkward smile. You were taken aback as this happened. 'Levi...smiled?' Thought to yourself "look i'm sorry for almost killing you back then...that wasn't me. Somethig over took me and over took my body and i couldn't get out of it...I'm. ... [F/N]...i'm sorry" he said sincerely, he looked back only to be greeted with your smile. "Levi, i already forgave you a while ago. You threw me into the wolves, and i ended up comin back and leading the pack" you told him in your sweet voice that he loved so much. "Anyway Levi, without the hardship, i wouldn't be here. After all, this is my throne"

《《《Author's note 》 》 》
Hello guys! I hope you enjoyed this. I don't own anything with the music the shizzles. I had to use nightcore because it was copyrighted and i couldn't find a good version to use, well i did but it didn't work so. Anyway! I hope you enjoyed, if you have any suggestions the leave some in the comments or direct message me on here! DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT IF YOU ENJOYED! Peace ✌

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