Can You Trust Me? (Levi X Depressed Reader)

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{This will be a song fic so all rights go to the band/artist. I do not own the characters in the story}

This was requested by saturndaanimatronic

I empty my drink but it gets filled with loneliness

I should've just given in, why did I argue all the time?
Even the trash bag thrown away on the street
Makes a lonely sound in the wind
All I did was color you in my white, blank paper
But then I realized, it already became a finished picture
You and I are like cell phones
When we're apart, you know we'll be broken
Only your scent completes me
Hurry and hug me  

Gray, that was the only colour you can see. Hell it feels like you can't see what's right in front of you. You feel blinded, lost and left alone on this earth and there is nothing you can ever do about it. Even if everyone around you are you're mind they're there to make you feel left out, ganged up on and easily replaceable. It fucking sucks, but there is nothing you can do or anything anyone can say or do to convince you otherwise. All the thoughts and voices screamed in your head if only you can stop them, only if you can block them out. You feel so worthless, and you can't even tell your best friend. You're only loyal and understanding friend. He is the only person who cares, the only person who has the guts to stand up for you and you can't even tell him how you've been feeling. If only you can say it.

{Levi's POV}

I can only see you
I can only see you alone
Look, I'm fair with everyone else but you
Now I can't live a day without you, please

Your arms, your warmth, your heart
I want to see it all, I beg you
This moment, even the warm flower scented wind
Even the sky without a single cloud
Everything feels cold
and I'm even scared of the clear sky
If you're not here, I'm just a corpse,
so how can I breathe?
It hurts, I'm always cry cry cry
I'm going crazy, exhausted without you

I think of you without stopping
I hate it all, I hate every single day
It makes me cry, ring ding dong
If there's a chance, I'll catch you
I'm running, it's starting, count down
I'm ready to be cut by your rose-like embrace
as I hold you again

For years now, years Levi have been seeing one of his closest and dearest friend feeling so insecure, so worthless...and yet no matter how much he wished he can help her..he can't. He can't help her if she is keeping it to herself, he can't do anything if she is trying her hardest to be less of a "burden" and keeping all to herself as well as bottling all of her feelings up. Putting up a fake smile that Levi sees right through as if she was transparent. She is so delicate, so sensitive he only wished he could protect her. If only he could shield her away from all the hate and all the pain, if only he could take her place. He would. If only he could say those words. If only he could make it all better. He would, and this time. He will.

Your cold face tells me everything rather than words
I can see a break up rising over me
like a high tide
I know it will soon be our last
but I can't let you go
Don't talk, don't leave
just quietly hold me girl

Hold me tight, hug me
Trust me, trust me, trust me
Hold me tight, hug me
Can you trust me, can you trust me
Please, please, please pull me in and hug me

Levi got up from the ground he sat on as he ran out of his house in the pouring rain. Everything was grey, the clouds, the buildings and the mood. But he will do everything to change it. He will do everything in his power to make it all okay for her. Everything.

[Time Skip]

Levi finally got to your house as he knocked on the door. He realised the curtains were drawn shut, the house itself looks gloomier than normal. No sound was made at the other side of the door as Levi began to panic, his suddenly on it's own terms reached for the door handle and pushed the door open only to be met with the image of you curled up on the floor. Your small frame shook as the from crying, she looked so vulnerable. "[F/N]?.." Levi whispered as his feet dragged themselves to your small frame and fell to his knees in front of you. You finally looked up bringing your red puffy eyes to finally meet his. As you saw his saddened eyes, you could not control the stream of glistening tears falling from your eyes. "Levi?...Hold Me.." Without a second passing Levi enveloped you in his tight embrace as you continue to cry in his arms. "it's okay, i'm here now...i will make everything okay. I promise" Levi softly spoke into her ear as his thumb made soothing circles on her back. He lifted up her chin to meet his gaze "Can You Trust Me?" 

{Author's Note}

Hey guys! i hope you like this shot. If you are interested i have done a singing cover of this song with my good friend Jayden. 

Here it is:

Thank you so much for everything!


Peace Out~

Levi x Reader {One Shots}★(Request Closed)Where stories live. Discover now