Wolves (Gang Leader! Levi x Reader )

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{This will be a song fic so all rights go to the band/artist. I do not own the characters in the story}

This fic has been requested by erylannprovido

Levi looked at your small delicate body as you stood in the cold with his jacket over your shoulders for warmth. He leaned agains the wall as you looked up at he stars with eyes gleaming that seem to have captured Levi's  heart in the first place. He puffs out a cloud of smoke from the death stick he has place inbetween his lips. Levi took out his phone out looked down at the screen. The little light flashed showing that he has a message.

[Eren] hey, dude me and Mikasa's on our way

[Levi] you better hurry up shit face my fucking girlfriend is freezing her ass off here

[Eren] sorry sir...

[Levi] bring the rest of the gang, the Titans groups about to attack.

Levi put his phone away and turned to you "i am so sorry for putting you through this...but it-" you cut him off and smile "i know, it's  safer if i'm in your sight at all times, the Titans are planning to take me from you..." Levi stopped to just stare deep into your eyes as he took a step closer to you and cupped youe left cheek only to bring you up to kiss him passionately. Durimg the kiss Levi had a flash back of when you were back in highschool.
[Flash back]
"Levi...i..i..i like you!" You said with flushed cheeks, Levi only looked at you with shocked eyes which soon turned to sorrow and pain as well as anger "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" He screamed as he punched the wall behind him, you walked up to Levi to touch his shiulder lightly for reassurance. Only for him to flinche away from the contact. You stepped back and looked down at the ground with your fringe covering your eyes. "I guess that's  a sign saying fuck off" you said mostly to yourself, you were about to walk away until youe felt a hand grab your wrist to stop you and a rough voice "no..." you turned around to be faced with Levi's blazing eyes "that's  not it [F/N] can't  you see? I'm dangerous, i could put you in danger, hell even wanting you is putting you on death's list." You stared into his eyes as yours softened at his words "but nothing, i know what you are Levi...being a gang leader...is not an easy thing...i know that" you whispered the last part to yourself, which Levi didn't  hear thankfully. He only stop and stared, "fuck it" he suddenly oulled you in and kissed you with ferocity which you kissed back with as much force as him. "I'm definitely goin to hell for his but fuck it. I want you" he carried on until you both landed on the bed with his body hovering over you. Let's  just say you guys didn't  sleep that night.

Levi pulled out off the flash back and pulled away from you as the rest of Levi's gang came to greet you both. Levi grabbed your hand and held it in his. "Alright all of you, during this fight with the Titans, if [F/N] has a single scratch on her body, you guys will be cleaning for a month. To my standards, so, no pressure" he told the group as the trembled in fear.

While the gang talked out the plans there was a buzz from your phone with ment there was a message, you took out your phone and looked down at the screen it was your Beta

[Best friend's name] hey, the wolves are ready,

[F/N] okay listen out for the Titans and warn me

[B/F/N] on it.

You tuck your phone away and put on your innocent face as you walked towards your beloved boyfriend. he turned to you and gave you one last kiss as he took you into the middle of the circle that was fromed around you for protection. You looked up at the trees  people sat up there in silence with wolves masks on, one of them nodded to you and you gave a small noticeble nod back you then looked forward. There was russling in the bushes, your phone vibrated again..the Titans are here. Soon a gang of people came from all sides with knives and swords Levi looked behind him to witness that you were gone "Fuck!" He Shouted in panick as he ran towards the gang and killed who ever was in his way. What Levi  didn't  know  was that here was a Titan right behind him about top stab him through the back. He heard a very fimiliar voice shouting out "NOW!" People masked as Wolves rained from the trees with incredible power, speed and skill killing all of the titans in the area, the leader...or should he say the Alpha walked up to him gracefully. 'The way she walked...it's so fimiliar...and thoses eyes...they belong to-' Levi's  eyes widened as the girl took off her mask. It was you. Your [e/c] orbs shined in the night, Levi looked you and the gang behind you, there was silence "[F/N]...you're..." you cut him off and spoke up "yes Levi, I'm the Alpha, and yes, we're the Wolves"

《《《 Author's note 》 》 》
Hey guys hope you enjoyed this isn't  much of a song fic but hey...i hoped you enjoyed it, don’t  forget to vote and comment! Peace out ✌

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