- Chapter 1 ~ {A Potter} ~ Scorpius's POV -

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"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." — Albus Dumbledore


"Urgh..." I groan. Sunlight fills my bedroom, and I squint at the bright light until my eyes adjust. I slowly lift myself off the bed as a peculiar thought occurs to me.

I, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, would be starting Hogwarts in just a matter of hours.

My breaths get heavy with emotion. I, was going to Hogwarts! Excitement coursed through me, but then the doubts I'd had for the past few weeks ever since my Hogwarts Acceptance letter, crawl into my mind, sneaking up on the happiness I was feeling, and downing my mood.

What if all the Slytherins were terrible? I knew for a fact that I would be in Slytherin.. Both of my parents were, the whole Malfoy family was! (Even my mother's family, the Greengrass's!) But then again... my Mother was a Slytherin, but she was one of the most kind people I've met. And my Father, even though he's strict... There are moments where he shows his love for me, and those are my favorite moments in my life. So even though many people said Slytherins were evil, and cruel, I hadn't believed any of it before. I didn't think ALL Slytherins were evil. (Although I certainly knew that most were.. My Father was once a Death Eater.. But he's given it up, and I've heard conversations he has with Mother, about how he regrets he ever became a Death Eater, and how he had so much pressure on him when he was. I heard that my Grandparents, my Father's Mum and Dad, were evil too) And even though I know that not all Slytherins are evil and downright unpleasant.. I still felt small doubts that had been growing since last night. I sighed, and got out of bed.


Soon, I was downstairs in the dining hall, where there were always large, black tables full of empty plates and silverware. Our old, but loyal house elf Alfreda, was magicking breakfast onto the plates. I walked over, my steps echoing.

"Ah, Master Scorpius! Good morning, have a seat, young Master. Breakfast is served!" Alfreda says in a high pitched voice. I nod politely, thanking her as she places buttered toast, eggs, sausages, pudding, and tea, on the table next to me.

As I scarf down my meal, I hear someone approaching, and a man with icey, gray eyes, and blonde hair, sits down stiffly.

"Good morning Father." I say, swallowing my pudding. "Its.. it's my first day at Hogwarts today.."

He looks at me, and I see something resembling pride, in his eyes. "Yes.. make sure to behave Scorpius. And although you can be in any House.." He trails off. "It would be best if you were a Slytherin." He finishes.

I look at him in the eyes. "Do you- do you think.. That I-" I stutter.

"Of course. You would make a great Slytherin. Remember, I've raised you for eleven years. I know you better than you may think." He says, raising an eyebrow.

I stare at him. He gives me a rare smile.. One that brights up his whole face, and I nearly faint at the sight. He hasn't smiled at me like that for ages! I grin back, "Thank you Father. I- I hope I get into Slytherin.. I want to make you proud, and I'm glad that you think I would be good in Slytherin." I lie slightly. I did want to make him proud.. But I wasn't sure about how nice people would be in Slytherin. But I quickly shake these thoughts out of my head, and as I finish my tea, Mother walks over and plants a kiss on my cheek.

"Ooh.. my dear Scorpius is going to Hogwarts!" She says giddily. "Draco, do you remember your first time?"

My Father looked up at her, "Yes.. quite proud I was.. For getting into Slytherin." He chuckles, and Mother smiles. She takes a seat at the table, and while Alfreda serves her her breakfast, I finish up, and stand.

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