- Chapter 10 ~ {The First Quidditch Quarrel} ~ Airana's POV -

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"The Chasers handle the Quaffle and try to put it through one of those hoops. The Keeper, that's me, defends the hoops." -Oliver Wood


November came, and so did the first Quidditch match of the year. I saw Gryffindor players practicing Quidditch 24/7 non-stop nowadays, and everyone was talking about it.

The first match would be Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw, breaking the usual pattern of Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, as the Slytherin Keeper was in the hospital wing due to an injury in Care of Magical Creatures. Brown was seen in the common room with huge pieces of parchment and lots of ink, drawing moving diagrams and models.

I was insanely excited for the upcoming match, and so was just about every person at Hogwarts. Many Gryffindors were tripped by Ravenclaws while walking down the hallways, and Ravenclaws were constantly thrown glares and sneers.

Slytherins took side of the Ravenclaws, as they certainly didn't want to root for Gryffindor. Hufflepuff was 50/50- some of them rooting for Gryffindor, the others rooting for Ravenclaw.

Albus and Scorpius, of course, would be cheering for Gryffindor. Saturday sneaked up upon the Gryffindor team quickly, while for me, it came as slow as tortoise.

At long last, the match approached. Students went into the stands, some wearing blue, and Gryffindor supporters decked out in red.

Albus had made a giant sign saying '#7!!!' which was James's number. I stood with my Gryffindor flag, eagerly awaiting the start of the match.

Scorpius and Al had decided to sit with me instead of the other Slytherins, and some people gave them apprehensive glances, but they were all ignored, for we were too engrossed in the Quidditch match to care.

Soon, the Ravenclaw team was walking out onto the pitch, and Ravenclaws shouted and screamed, cheering loudly.

"CARMEN! WILSON! ADAMS! MACQUOID! LEWIS! COOPER! ANDDD.. DELL! THE CAPTAIN!!" Jacob Smith shouted into the microphone- (he was the commenter!)

Then suddenly, the Gryffindor team appears, and I scream myself hoarse, waving my flag feverishly. Al and Scorpius shouted and cheered next to me, along with the rest of the Gryffindor supporters.

"BROWN, DAVIES, BALLE, CARTER, GRIFFITHS, POTTER, AND HARRIS!" Smith cheered, shouting supportive things to the Gryffindor team.

"Smith! Don't be biased!" McGonagall shouted to him. She was sitting next to Jacob, listening closely to Smith's commenting.

"Yes, of course Professor."

"Captains, shake hands!" Madam Virga (the referee) ordered.

Brown and Dell shook hands, both of them nodding their heads politely.

Madam Virga then threw the Quaffle into the air, and blew her whistle.

The match had begun.


James immediately snatched the Quaffle, swerving around Cooper, who was one of the Ravenclaw Chasers.

"Potter catches the Quaffle- and there he goes-!!" Smith shouted. "Passes to Griffiths, new pick of Brown this year. Works well with the team too, but she's in her 7th year. Anyway, she passes it to Carter, who takes it, and- ooh, its intercepted by Wilson-"

Ravenclaws cheered while Gryffindors booed, groaning loudly.

"Wilson goes for the Gryffindor hoops- ah, oh- oh he throws and- YESS!! Harris kicks the Quaffle away- great Keeping there- alright- Carter has the Quaffle again- ooh! Nearly gets hit with a Bludger there- Davies swings it back to the Ravenclaws- ouch! Cooper gets hit!" Smith bellows.

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