- Chapter 5 ~ {I Solemnly Swear} ~ Albus's POV -

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"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow up to be." -Albus Dumbledore 


Herbology was eventually over, and students trampled out of the greenhouses, and back into the castle.

Walking back up, I heard more whispers... but I thought nothing of them. The things that Airana had said made me feel better for being in Slytherin. I still had my doubts, and I'd rather be in Gryffindor, but it is what it is, and I thought I would try to make the best of being sorted into Slytherin. I'll prove those prats wrong, I thought to myself, proudly.


The rest of the afternoon wasn't that fun, and nothing really happened, like it had in Herbology. It was after dinner, and the sun was setting slowly. I was in the library with Airana and Scorpius, the three of us doing our very first piece of homework of the year.

Airana was writing speedily, quill moving up, down, and across. It seemed that her brain was thinking faster than she could write, and she hurriedly went down the page of parchment set in front of her.

Scorpius, on the other hand, was reading boredly, and slowly turned the page of his Potions textbook.

And I was acting more around the lines of Scorpius, half-asleep from the exhausting first day.

The only sound in the library for quite some time was Airana's quill scratching upon her paper, and the small crinkle of slowly turned textbook pages.

Then out of nowhere, there's a tapping on the library window. Madam Pince looks up, glaring.

"Bloody hell- not good timing Athena!" I say, seeing my tawny owl. I quickly get up, throwing apologetic looks at Madam Pince, and untie my letter from Athena's talons. She gives me an affectionate nip with her beak and takes off into the evening. I walk back to the table where Airana and Scorpius have stopped working.

"It's.. it's from my Mum and Dad.." I say, sitting down.

"Open it then!" Scorpius said. They both lean over, looking over my shoulder, and read the letter with me as I open it up.

Dear Albus,

That's wonderful dear! I'm glad you've found a friend.. 2 friends! Even better.

And, I know that you must be worrying, judging from your letter.. And me and your Dad want to tell you that it really doesn't matter that you've been sorted into Slytherin.

Albus, we love you, and we're very proud of you already! Having a Potter in Slytherin will be great, (goodness knows that we need cleverness in the house!) and I know that you're going to excel at Hogwarts.

Please be safe, and behave, okay? Send me more letters soon!

I give my love to Scorpius and Airana,



I gulp, relieved.

"Al.. you were worrying that.. That they wouldn't like you being in Slytherin?" Airana asks quietly.

I look at her, and look down quickly. "Well, yeah-"

"Albus Severus Potter-" She starts fiercely,

"How do you know my middle name?!"

Airana glares at me. "Your famous, your name's written in the Daily Prophet y'know. Anyway, I want you to know that everything happens for a reason, Albus. You're in Slytherin because you're clever, your ambitious, your determined, and your amazing! Every house has its own good qualities.. Didn't you listen to the Sorting Hat?" She says. "You're telling yourself that it's bad that you're in Slytherin, but it's not because Slytherins have great traits.. It's just the people who use the good traits for the wrong reasons. The best wizards and witches get that mixed up. You can't say that a whole Hogwarts house is bad just because groups of people in that house are evil. There are good wizards and witches in Slytherin, and I know this for sure because my Mum's in Slytherin, and she's one of the greatest witches I know." Airana said ferociously.

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