- Chapter 11 ~ {Hagrid's Hut} ~ Scorpius's POV -

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"What's comin' will come, an' we'll meet it when it does." - Hagrid 


After the Quidditch match, Airana was satisfied enough to stay quiet for 2 minutes. Thankfully, she wasn't talking about flying and Quidditch positions and teams every 3 seconds either.

November went by quite quickly, and it soon soon the 17th. Airana, Albus and I were walking on Hogwarts grounds on a Saturday morning after breakfast, and as we talked, I noticed Hagrid over by his hut.

"Hey, guys, what'd ya reckon Hagrid's doing?" I ask, standing on my tippy toes curiously.

"Dunno. Why don't we go and visit him? I know my Dad was good friends with Hagrid. He seems really nice too." Albus suggests.

"Good idea!" Airana agrees, smiling.

We walk over jollily, and when we approach the hut, Airana speaks.

"Hiya Hagrid! What're you doing?"

Hagrid turns around with a grunt. Standing close to the gamekeeper gives me a better look at his face. A huge tangly beard, beetly kind eyes, and a warm grin.

"Oh, Albus Potter! Ah, I knew yer Dad." Hagrid said, smiling happily at Al. "How's yer Dad and Mum? He sent me a letter last week talkin' about his job an' all."

"Er- their good." Albus replied timidly.

"An' who are you two?" Hagrid asks me and Airana.

"Airana Rosher!" Airana says.

"Ah, a Rosher! Knew yer Mum and Dad a bit too!"

"And.. I'm Scor- Scorpius Malfoy.." I said quietly, shrinking underneath Hagrid's stare.

"Malfoy? Oh.." Hagrid says strangely. I gulp nervously, unsure of how he would react, knowing how most people acted, once they knew my name. But surprisingly,  "Didn't know a Malfoy could be decent." He then said, chuckling and patting me on the shoulder, nearly knocking me over with his giant hand. 

I smile gratefully up at him.

Hagrid wasn't as scary or intimidating as he looked- in fact,

He was straight up altruistic.


We went inside Hagrid's hut, which was small and untidy, and nothing like the beautiful castle, or rich fancy stuff I was used to at home.

Nonetheless, it fit Hagrid perfectly.

"Wan' some tea?" Hagrid asks us kindly.

"Sure!" Airana and Al say simultaneously.

Hagrid pours milk out of his jug and soon finishes the tea, and gives us each three large cups full.

"Thanks." I say when he hands me mine.

"So." Said Hagrid, sitting down in his chair which creaked loudly. "How's Hogwarts for ye all?"

"It's great!" Airana said passionately.

"Which Houses are ye in?"

"Slytherin." Me and Al say.

"Ah. I heard about that. Surprised you were in Slytherin, Albus."

"Call me Al."

"Yeah- Al. Anyway, I'spose all things have a good reason, even if we don' know wha' it is." Hagrid said wisley.

Al hums in response.

"An' what about you?" Hagrid asks Airana.

"Gryffindor of course." She grins.

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